luni, 22 decembrie 2008

Energy Psychology V



My office has become a miracle room.
- Nahoma Asha Clinton, PhD

SEEMORG MATRIX WORK- THE THEORY IN BRIEF. According to Nahoma Asha Clinton, LCSW, Ph.D., trauma is the fertile ground out of which most psychological pathology grows. Whenever a person thinks of a past trauma, or even when some present event triggers him/her to remember the trauma subconsciously, then difficult emotions and/or physical symptoms can arise. When unbearable emotions related to past traumas remain unresolved, the person is at risk to develop negative beliefs, desires, fantasies, obsessions, compulsions, and/or addictions. The personality may even become distorted in a characteristic way. In some cases, it's fractured by dissociation.

The psychological disturbance caused by unhealed trauma is complex. Traumas from childhood are reinforced by similar traumas in adulthood (e.g., "hurt again," "abandoned again"). The client's trauma-based core beliefs create a distorted thought and energy grid, or character structure, through which the world is experienced. This traumatic complex can block the development of positive qualities, damage the personality's divine potential for wholeness, and prevent any true sense of spiritual connection. Clinically identified clusters of distorted core beliefs form the "matrices" which are the therapeutic focus.

The Seemorg Matrix approach is a complete transpersonal energy psychotherapy synthesizing the best clinical features of many traditional and complementary treatment modalities. It quickly eliminates psychological disorders and emotionally-related physical disorders, providing profound and lasting relief. Remarkably, it does all this with minimal emotional distress. [If this piques your interest, click on Nahoma Asha Clinton's new website

SEEMORG MATRIX TREATMENT. As the client talks with the therapist about his/her problem, energy (muscle) testing serves as a guide to subconscious information about underlying belief structures and indicates related energy blocks. Once maladaptive subconscious belief complexes are identified, they are treated energetically.

The client keeps an aspect of the belief matrix in mind by repeating a representative phrase or sentence aloud while (self-)touching each of the Seemorg Matrix energy treatment points in turn. The treatment points include all of the body's major chakras (primary energy centers), as well as several minor chakras, and may include one or two meridian points.

Treatment is thorough, resolving resistance quickly and easily. With the therapist's guidance, the client tracks and clears all possible threads or leads from the belief matrix that appear to have a negative influence on healthy functioning - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Seemorg Matrix psychotherapy works well not only for deep, trauma-based clinical issues. The basic Seemorg Matrix treatment protocol is also simple to apply and user-friendly. Once learned, clients frequently find it helpful beyond the clinician's office to clear their own situational emotional distress when it arises.

Training as a Seemorg Matrix therapist involves a multi-level program of instruction and supervised practice. For more complete information about Seemorg Matrix Work and its innovator, Dr. Nahoma Asha Clinton, go to Training workshops are listed and you will find a directory of practitioners who use Seemorg Matrix Work clinically.

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