luni, 22 decembrie 2008

Manual Muscle Testing

Manual Muscle Testing

MMT or Energy Testing used in Touch for Health, Healing Arts & more

Victoria Anisman-Reiner
Jun 9, 2007
Muscle testing is used in various practices as a means to
assess allergies, health strengths and weaknesses prior to
treatment or, like dowsing, to ask yes/ no questions

Manual muscle testing, sometimes called MMT, is a non-invasive way to receive information from the body’s intelligence about what is happening internally. Some practitioners prefer to call it “energy testing,” because the kind of feedback received during muscle testing has nothing to do with the strength of the muscles used for testing, and everything to do with the energy of the body. Muscle testing can be used to identify allergies, physical weaknesses, sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, and to assess which herbs, supplements or other treatments are indicated as remedies.

What is Muscle Testing ?

The usual form of muscle testing requires one person to act as the practitioner or tester, and one as the patient. The patient extends their arm (or leg, depending on the muscle being tested) in the proper position and attempts to hold firmly in place without “locking” the muscle or forcing their arm upward, while the practitioner applies gentle pressure to move the limb in a prescribed range of motion. “Two fingers, two pounds of pressure” is a general guideline for muscle testing.

If a muscle holds firm, in Touch for Health, the related organ or system is strong. If the patient is unable to hold firm and their arm moves under gentle pressure, the muscle is considered weak and the related organ or system requires strengthening via energy work. In energy work paradigms other than Touch for Health, a strong response is often considered a “yes” and a weak response means “no.”

Every person will demonstrate a slightly different way of showing strong and weak responses, which is why it is important to calibrate before testing.

The most common muscle used for testing is the anterior deltoid, the primary muscle related to the gall bladder meridian.

How Can That Possibly Work ?

Muscle testing is a concept people often have to experience to understand.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body’s energy field is concentrated in 14 meridians, energy channels that relate to each of the major organs and systems. If an organ is weak or stressed, the corresponding meridian will show a sluggish or blocked energy flow.

Each of these meridians runs through and governs several muscles. The corresponding muscles may be used as a gauge of the strength of the meridian and organ.

Anyone can employ muscle testing, even if the person being tested has greater physical strength than the practitioner, because MMT has very little to do with the muscle’s gross strength. The intent is to test the energy of the meridian feeding the muscle.

Techniques That Employ Muscle Testing for Diagnosis Include:

In each of these cases, dowsing answers with a pendulum or other tool can be just as effective – though less dramatically apparent to a patient.

Surrogate Testing

In cases where the person being tested is ill or physically unable to extend their arm or other muscles for testing, a surrogate tester may be used. The surrogate patient stands or sits near the person being tested and must keep in physical contact with them at all times during testing to achieve accurate results.

Surrogate testing can be used to test pets and animals.

Other Forms of Muscle Testing

Dowsing, an ancient method of divination with a pendulum or other tool, is basically a form of self-muscle testing using a tool to exaggerate the body’s response and make it more noticeable.

Several forms of self-muscle testing, including finger testing, are discussed in Unusual Dowsing Techniques.


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