sâmbătă, 20 decembrie 2008


Samurai means "service." Several hundred years ago, your commitment as a trained samurai might have emphasized sword-slicing opponents down the middle in the service of the emperor. In a modern Aikido practice, your focus is perhaps a bit different, but the underscore of service remains present. Here's how to embody the spirit of the samurai in your daily training.



vineri, 19 decembrie 2008

Firenze - Campi Bisenzio

Aikidokai Firenze

Luigi Mangione 2° dan

tel. 055/7399214 (Dojo)
cell. 3483905207
fax 055/8962643

c/o Istituto Italiano Wu Shu
Via Agostino di Duccio
Zona Soffiano

50100 Firenze
Aikikai Prato

Santo Scaramuzzo 3° dan

cell. 328.32.52.066

c/o Circolo Ricreativo SMS (Società Mutuo Soccorso)
Località Sant'Angelo a Lecore
Via Sant'Angelo, 106 (Campi Bisenzio)

59100 Prato


La disciplina può essere praticata con diverse finalità, qui di seguito se ne elencano alcune che non esauriscono certo la complessità e bellezza di quest'arte:
- difesa personale;
- piacevole attività fisica;
- autodisciplina e sistema educativo;
- pratica estetica (ricorda la danza) che a tratti diventa spettacolare.


La pratica
L'Aikido si pratica nel "Dojo", parola giapponese che indica il luogo dove si segue un percorso di ricerca, sopra un tappeto che si chiama tatami; si indossa il keikogi, il classico costume di cotone bianco usato per le arti marziali. L’attività si svolge attraverso lo scambio reciproco delle tecniche da parte degli allievi.
L'Aikido ... Non prevede nessuna forma di agonismo e competizione, la complessità tecnica, al contrario, stimola la collaborazione verso un obiettivo comune. Il continuo scambio di ruolo tra i praticanti (attacco e difesa) infonde e rafforza sentimenti di amicizia e fiducia reciproca. Le peculiarità dell'Aikido ne fanno un ottimo strumento di lavoro 'sulla relazione'. Quello dell'Aikido, come di tutte le arti marziali non violente, è uno splendido paradosso: dallo studio del conflitto si arriva ad affinare gli strumenti della non conflittualità, dalla guerra all'amore (Ai = armonia\ amore).

In altre parole, dallo studio delle dinamiche di aggressione e di difesa, si arriva ad un affinamento della propria sensibilità sul linguaggio corporeo. A questo va aggiunta la riflessione implicita su alcuni aspetti ineludibili della vita quali la paura, la fatica, il dolore, la violenza, la morte. Dall'altra parte l'utilizzo implicito di strumenti quali l'ironia, la ricerca delle risorse più intime custodite all'interno di ognuno di noi, la percezione degli altri come risorsa e non come nemici da abbattere.

aikido definition

Aikido, a Japanese fighting technique that focuses on using balance and focus to defeat an opponent, emphasizes etiquette and dress code more than other martial arts. Whether you are participating in a dojo or practicing at home, maintain this discipline and dress in a way that is both functional and respectful.


Joe Rivera's Profile

Do or do not ... there is no try

Location: Santa Monica, CA

My Home Page: www.focuscenterfitness.com

About Me: Since starting his training business here in Los Angeles, Joe Rivera, a Native New Yorker, was named as not only the trainer to the stars, by Shape Magazine, but also the “trainer to the trainers of the stars.” He has been profiled in Hollywood Life, Variety, Movieline, Conde Naste Sports for Women and Time Magazine. He has also been featured on KTLA, the Learning Channel’s Slice of Life and Late Night with David Letterman. He is a freelance writer and many of his articles have been published on Ehow.com where he is on staff as the Fitness, Martial Arts, Yoga, and Boxing expert. He also has been contracted by Project Breakout as a fitness expert to produce exercise videos that can be seen on the Fitness Channel’s homepage.

Joe promotes a balanced and healthy lifestyle by integrating mind, body and spirit in his intense training sessions. He holds a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, was a member of the St. John’s University Karate team and has won numerous Martial Arts competitions.

He has been a student and practitioner of the combative arts, including boxing and kickboxing for close to thirty years. With more than twenty years experience as a weight trainer and over a decade as a Yogi, Joe holds certifications from the American Council on Exercise and the prestigious White Lotus Foundation for Yoga. He is also a certified Gravity GTS personal trainer, Gravity GTS Pilates instructor, and TRX fitness instructor.

By combining key principles and movements from these disciplines Joe created Fusion Training … a unique and multi-faceted system of fitness training, which delivers dramatic results and keeps you motivated.

His clients range from housewives to Playboy Cover Models, weekend warriors to elite athletes, movie execs to movie stars, as well as attorneys, physicians and celebrity chefs.

Joe’s work has taken him to exotic locales, training his clients on set. He has also traveled the entire country with rock bands like … Counting Crows, John Mayer, Goo Goo Dolls, Collective Soul, Live, and Maroon 5.

Based in Santa Monica, he is the Founder and Owner of Focus Center Fitness. For more information about classes, rates and availability, visit us at: Focuscenterfitness.com or call 310. 499. 4950

The joy of flying

... a theatrically innovative style ...

Sensei Katz’s Philosophy

A philosophy of education that rings true to me: to hear is to forget, to see is to remember, to do is to understand. Ukemi as in all aikido, one learns by doing or being done to as some mind say when being on the receiving end of the art. The importance of ukemi besides the obvious necessity of self- preservation is to understand the art from the inside out or maybe the upside down. It is vital for a student to learn to follow the flow of the movement before she can lead the movement. Confidence naturally develops by being able to accept ki from the nage. A physical memory is developed and spiritual growth happens when “the fear of falling is replaced with the joy of flying”.




The Aikido Association International (AAI)
International Recognition

AAI provides international recognition and accreditation of Aikido dojo and their satellites. It provides guidance on establishing and maintaining a dojo, whether university club to professionally-run, full-time dojo. Member dojo are listed free of charge on the internationally-accessed AAA/ AAI web site.

A full dojo offers an Aikido program that meets consistently at least three times per week, and has been in existence at least three years. Instruction is by shidoin and fukushidoin.

An Aikido club offers an Aikido program that meets consistently at least three times per week, and has existed at least one year. Instruction again is by shidoin and fukushidoin.

Legitimacy of instructors and quality of instruction are always emphasized in AAI. To this end, the organization has requirements for several levels of instructor certification, and provides international recognition of this certification. Instructor training seminars are also offered yearly in Europe, as well as twice a year in the United States.

Instructor levels include shihan (master instructor),shihandai (assistant shihan), sensei (teacher), shidoin (instructor), fukushidoin (assistant instructor), and jyoshu (assistant). Certification level depends on guidelines set forth in AAI policy.

International recognition of status as an Aikido practitioner is one of the services provided to individual members by AAI. Membership entitles the student to an AAI membership card or yudansha booklet, in which records of the students test and certification dates, annual dues payments, and camp and seminar attendance is recorded. Students receive the international AAI newsletter, Aikido World, four times per year.

Dan Rank Tests and Promotions
AAI has established standardized requirements for kyu rank promotion tests for adults and children, and for black belt tests. The organization provides certification for successful kyu-rank promotions through the students' dojo-cho; dan certificates are issued by Aikido World Headquarters. The AAI and AAA Teaching Committee, administers the black belt tests at seminars overseas for aikidoka around the world, in conjunction with members of the local test committees.

The local test committees, or Shinsa iin kai, are composed of Aikido instructors ranked sandan (third degree black belt) and above, who are elected from among the collective group of Aikido black belts present at a promotion test. The head of the Shinsa iin kai is shibucho of the area in which the test is taking place, as appointed by the AAI Teaching Committee, and reports directly to the AAI Teaching Committee.
Professional Instructor Training ProgramAAI believes that professional, full-time Aikido instructors are the means by which the art will be successfully transmitted to future generations. For this reason, the Association has instituted a professional instructor training program with unique opportunities for learning teaching methodology as well as strategies for establishing and operating professional schools in today's world.

Shihan Fumio Toyoda


About Aikido Shihan Fumio Toyoda

Fumio Toyoda, Aikido Shihan, was born in Japan on November 8, 1947. The Toyoda name is an old one, ultimately traced back as a branch of the Fujiwara clan, one of the ancient noble families that vied for control during the early civil wars in Japan. It was such conflicts which ultimately led to the settling of this branch of the Toyoda on their current family lands in Tochigi prefecture, some 60 miles north of Tokyo. This occurred about 400 years ago; at that time the area was undeveloped and far from the center of power in Kyoto. It is believed that the Toyoda, having backed a losing side in war, were forced to move to this place. There, they took up the life of the samurai-farmer. Their mon (family crest) ? that of the Fujiwara- can still be seen on the eaves of the old family farmhouse.

At the battle of Sekigahara, which resulted in a decisive victory for Tokugawa Ieyasu, founder of the Tokugawa shogunate, the Toyoda were this time on the winning side. The result was a large amount of land, which remained in the family until the land-distribution policies of MacArthur reduced it. Today about 50 acres remain. Interestingly, these ancestral lands are adjacent to the lands of another prominent Aikido teacher: Koichi Tohei. The Tohei and Toyoda families have been neighbors for centuries, periodically squabbling over their boundary, which is marked by a stream.

This close proximity to the Tohei family was to have a decisive impact on the direction of Toyoda Shihan's life. His older brother Toshi, an Aikido student under Tohei Sensei, would often take the young Toyoda with him while attending classes. At first this was a babysitting arrangement. At age 10, however, Toyoda Shihan himself began Aikido training.

He continued throughout his childhood, also studying Judo from age 12 (during which, he recalls, he broke his collarbone twice). Eventually he abandoned Judo to concentrate on Aikido completely. At age 17 he was awarded his shodan rank. Tohei Sensei was in Hawaii at the time instructing, so the examination was given by the famous Morihiro Saito Sensei.

It was at age 17 that Toyoda Shihan also began misogi training, a tradition at the dojo of Tohei Sensei. In particular, this was the training in breathing and Zen meditation given at the notorious Ichikukai Dojo in Tokyo. Ichikukai was founded by a student of the renowned Meiji-era swordsman, calligrapher and Zen master Yamaoka Tesshu; it still carries a reputation for extremely difficult training of a type rarely undertaken by modern persons. Toyoda Shihan recalls the pancake-size layers of skin that would come off his knees from kneeling so long on tatami during breathing training, and the scars many trainees would develop from senior students striking them repeatedly on the back to help them ?get the air out?? even after blood had soaked through their clothes.

At age 18, Toyoda Shihan entered Senshu University to begin studying law. He lived for a brief time with the late Akira Tohei Sensei at an apartment near the Aikikai Hombu Dojo in Tokyo, attending classes with O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba as well as the future Doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba. Shortly after, while still continuing to train at the Hombu Dojo, he moved into Ichikukai dojo as Jyoju, a resident disciple. Here, in addition to the misogi training mentioned earlier, he formally began Zen training under the guidance of Tesso Hino Sensei, the dojo-cho of Ichikukai, and Bokugyukutsu Keizan Roshi, Zen master, who would come once monthly to conduct sesshin (intensive Zen retreat).

For three years he endured the training at Ichikukai, while also going to school and training in Aikido. He recalls this time as being one in which there was no time for rest. The severity of the training at Ichikukai, coupled with his studies, tested his endurance to its limits.

After completing his time at Ichikukai, Toyoda Shihan moved to an apartment again near Hombu Dojo, where he continued to attend classes three hours each day. At this time he finished his law studies and graduated from Senshu. But, upon reflection, he had an important realization: he was not interested in law as a career. Aikido, and the life of shugyo or intensive training, was what truly mattered to him. Making the decision to pursue Aikido professionally, he enrolled as uchideshi (live-in disciple) at the Aikikai Hombu Dojo. By this time O-Sensei had died. Toyoda Shihan therefore became the first uchideshi directly under the new Doshu, Kisshomaru Ueshiba.

Now at age 22, he was ranked sandan and was assisting with instruction at several locations. At this time, the current Doshu, Moriteru Ueshiba, as well as Hayato Osawa, the son of the late Kisaburo Osawa, were beginning their training.

At age 24, Toyoda Shihan was awarded the rank of yondan. His teaching activities in Japan would eventually include classes at 11 dojo, including Daio Bunka University, Seikei University, and International Christian University. He also traveled to South Korea, where his instruction included classes for hapkido groups and the Korean CIA. He traveled often as otomo (attendant and demonstration assistant) for Kisshomaru Ueshiba, and had contact with many other prominent teachers such as Saito Sensei and Yasuo Kobayashi Sensei.

The dramatic split which shook the Aikido world occurred at this time, when Koichi Tohei, then the Chief Instructor at Aikikai Hombu Dojo, left the Aikikai to develop his own Ki no Kenkyukai (Ki Society) organization. Toyoda Shihan followed his obligation to his original teacher, and sided with Tohei Sensei. Eventually, he was given the position of Chief Instructor of Aikido technique for the Ki Society. He also was the author of the bylaws for that organization. In 1974, at Tohei Sensei's direction, he settled in Chicago to begin spreading Aikido in the United States. He was 27 years old, and now held the rank of godan.

There was very little Aikido in the mainland United States in 1974, and so there was little base to build upon. Through tireless work, Aikido began to spread and develop. Traveling nearly every weekend for many years to teach and organize across the United States, Toyoda Shihan ? now ranked rokudan and independent from the organization of Koichi Tohei Sensei ? founded his own organization in 1984: the Aikido Association of America. Dojo were established in cities and towns which had no Aikido; students trained and eventually became instructors; new affiliates were born.

Along with these travels, Toyoda Shihan worked to develop AAA's headquarters in Chicago. It was there that the first of the National Instructor's Seminars was held; AAA was the first organization to offer such a training, "teaching how to teach" rather than simply practicing. It is this recognition " that teaching requires a unique and advanced set of skills not necessarily imparted through general practice alone " that has been at the core of Toyoda Shihan's work. Today, all of his instructors are required to be


through attendance at such a seminar at least once every two years.

The result of all of this is that today the Aikido Association of America is the largest organization under a single Shihan-level instructor in the United States. With growth continuing at its present pace, AAA will soon be to be the largest of any Aikido organization in America. And, more importantly, Aikido can now be found in almost every major city in America. While it is easy to talk about this growth as a natural process, it is truly only through the physical work of Toyoda Shihan, traveling and sacrificing on a daily basis with the same intensity and energy he learned as a young trainee at Ichikukai Dojo, that this has occurred.

Growth has occurred internationally as well. Responding to the request for quality Aikido instruction from many other nations, Toyoda Shihan founded a sister organization of AAA, Aikido Association International (AAI). AAI currently oversees instructional programs in 11 other nations ? including new branches in Japan itself. A third organization, Aikido International Foundation (AIF), was founded as well. A federally tax-exempt, not-for-profit educational and charitable organization, AIF provides economic and other assistance to Aikido practitioners in many nations.

There have been other activities. The Japanese Culture Center, a place where persons of any background can gather to receive instruction in traditional arts such as the

  • tea ceremony,
  • flower arrangement,
  • calligraphy, as well as
  • Japanese language and
  • various martial arts,

was founded in Chicago in 1978, and has become the model for several similar institutions across the country. More than 1,000 persons per year attend classes there, in an atmosphere of cross-cultural understanding and sharing.

The International Zen Dojo Sogenkai, a lay organization devoted to promoting Rinzai Zen meditation and training methods, was also founded in Chicago in 1979 and has spread to a number of affiliated branches. Toyoda Shihan, confirmed as a Zen master in 1997 with the Buddhist name of Tenzan Gensei Roshi, acts as chairman of the board. The Sogenkai is committed to propagating the teachings of the late Omori Sogen Roshi, a Zen, sword, and calligraphy master, considered the greatest Zen master of the 20th century. Sogenkai is affiliated with Daihonzan Chozen-ji, a Rinzai temple founded by Omori Roshi in Hawaii and overseen by his successor, Tenshin Tanouye Roshi. Toyoda Shihan is a successor of Tanouye Roshi. This unique lineage, integrating the teachings of Zen, Budo, and the fine arts, is unlike any other in the world.

In 1994 a historic development occurred: Toyoda Shihan re-established ties with the Aikikai, with the help of Kisaburo Osawa Sensei, a former mentor, and with the approval of then Doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba. In this manner, it can now be said that the activities of Toyoda Shihan have brought further connection and growth to the original home of world Aikido.


Aikikai Romania




  • ...
  • April: Bucuresti: Aikido Seminar taught by Sensei Hiroshi Fujimaki, 5 Dan Aikido - Hombu Dojo



  • July: Mangalia: summer training camp – Shochugeiko – taught by Shihan Fujita Masatake, 8 Dan Aikido
  • March: Poiana Braşov: Aikido seminar taught by Shihan Seki Shoji, 7 Dan Aikido and a group of nine Hombu Dojo instructors




  • Mr. George Raicu leaves for Chicago, U.S.A. having been invited by Shihan Fumio Toyoda, President of the Aikido Association of America, to become uchideshi in his dojo. During his time as uchideshi, Mr. George Raicu received the rank of shodan.


eHow to ... aikido



How to Teach Aikido


Difficulty: Moderate
Step 1 - Look for an Aikido dojo in or around your area. Make sure that the teacher who runs the dojo is a certified Aikido teacher. Check on class dates and pricing and enroll in the course in order to prepare for your own Aikido training regime. Find out whether the school teaches the old or new styles as this will factor into the length at which you will have to train.
Step 2 - Diligently attend every class possible. Find a sparring partner and even request personal sessions with the dojo teacher to help you to fine tune your Aikido skill. Advance through the belt ranks. If you are learning the Tomiki style of Aikido attend competitions to help hone your sparring skills.
Step 3 - Look into certification programs around the world after completing your Aikido training. These programs will help you to solidify your posession as a trained teacher. Attend seminars and workshops that help to specifically train Aikido instructors to impart knowledge of the martial art to students.
Step 4 - Join an accreditation association and complete all necessary forms and requirements to achieve certification status. Decide whether you will immediately open a school or whether you will teach under the master tutelage of another Shihan or teacher.
Step 5 - Take on a small number of students to begin with until you have learned how to properly hone your own teaching skills. Remember the tenets of Aikido philosophy and uphold proper ethical standards.

Tips & Warnings

  • Note that most Aikido schools do not support competitive training as it does not support values of humility.

about service 2

Where Sweden excels

Independent thinking is encouraged
Sweden has a student-centric educational system, with open, informal relations between students and teachers, where personal initiative and critical thought are prized. Teaching is often done in small groups, which encourages dialogue and collaboration, and teachers are accessible outside lecture hours. This informal atmosphere is designed to promote social as well as intellectual development.

Martial arts system is orientated to teacher (dan).

Transferable skills analysis

The formal transferable skills analysis (TSA) process used by vocational evaluators consists of compiling occupations from the U.S. Department of Labor's Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) to represent a person's work history, and analyzing the work activities (Work Fields) a person has performed in the previous jobs, along with the objects upon which the work activities were performed (Materials, Products, Subject Matter, and Services, or MPSMS). These data are then used to identify a set of occupations that a worker should be able to perform.
The method most often used to perform skills transfer operations is based upon the federal definition of skills transferability as shown below. That definition utilizes the technology described in the The Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs (HAJ, 1991). The HAJ describes and explains the variables used in TSA.

Work Fields (WF's) are categories of technologies that reflect how work gets done and what gets done as a result of the work activities-the purpose of the job. DOT occupations may contain one, two, or three Work Field codes.

MPSMS are the end products upon which the work activities are performed. MPSMS is derived from the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes, which identify employers by type of business. DOT occupations may contain one, two, or three MPSMS codes.

Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) is defined as the amount of time required to learn the duties and acquire the information needed for a specific occupation. This training may be acquired in a school, work, military, institutional, or vocational environment.

Worker Traits required to successfully perform a given job are also utilized in TSA process. These variables include training time (SVP), general educational development, aptitudes, temperaments, physical demands, environmental conditions, and relationships to data, people, and things. Job counsellors often search for job possibilities which best reflect a person's work experience, then eliminating those which require functionality beyond--or significantly below-the person's capabilities expressed by Worker Traits, to determine transferable skills.


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Game of skill


A game of skill is a game where the outcome is determined mainly by mental and/or physical skill, rather than by pure chance.

One benefit of games of skill is that they are a means of exploring one's own capabilities. Games encourage the player to look at, understand, and experience things. They teach people lessons about themselves and possibly the world, and allow such insights to be passed on to others.

Most games of skill also involve a degree of chance, due to nature, a randomizing device (such as dice, playing cards, a coin flip, or a random number generator) or guessing by the players.

The distinction between 'chance' and 'skill' has legal significance in countries where chance games are treated differently than skill games. The legal distinction is often vague and varies widely from one jurisdiction to the next.

[edit] See also




  • A term used by some companies instead of employee.
  • A term used to signify an independent (often self employed) person working as if directly employed by the company of which they are an associate. Such a person may be an associate of more than one company.
  • The term for the lowest level of attorney in a United States law firm. See Associate (business rank)



Association may refer to:

Associations in various fields of study:


[edit] See also




Friendships consist of mutual liking, trust, respect, and often even love and unconditional acceptance. They usually imply the discovery or establishment of similarities or common ground between the individuals.[2] Internet friendships and pen-pals may take place at a considerable physical distance. Brotherhood and sisterhood can refer to individuals united in a common cause or having a common interest, which may involve formal membership in a club, organization, association, society, lodge, fraternity, or sorority. This type of interpersonal relationship relates to the comradeship of fellow soldiers in peace or war. Partners or co-workers in a profession, business, or common workplace also have a long term interpersonal relationship.




Agency is an area of commercial law dealing with a contractual or quasi-contractual tripartite, or non-contractual set of relationships when an Agent is authorized to act on behalf of another (called the Principal) to create a legal relationship with a Third Party.[1] Succinctly, it may be referred to as the relationship between a principal and an agent whereby the principal, expressly or impliedly, authorizes the agent to work under his control and on his behalf. The agent is, thus, required to negotiate on behalf of the principal or bring him and third parties into contractual relationship. This branch of law separates and regulates the relationships between:

  • Agents and Principals;
  • Agents and the Third Parties with whom they deal on their Principals' behalf; and
  • Principals and the Third Parties when the Agents purport to deal on their behalf.

The common law principle in operation is usually represented in the Latin phrase, qui facit per alium, facit per se, i.e. the one who acts through another, acts in his or her own interests and it is a parallel concept to vicarious liability and strict liability in which one person is held liable in Criminal law or Tort for the acts or omissions of another.



Agency relationships are common in many professional areas.


Employment is a contract between two parties, one being the employer and the other being the employee. An employee may be defined as: "A person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written, where the employer has the power or right to control and direct the employee in the material details of how the work is to be performed." Black's Law Dictionary page 471 (5th ed. 1979).

In a commercial setting, the employer conceives of a productive activity, generally with the intention of generating a profit, and the employee contributes labour to the enterprise, usually in return for payment of wages. Employment also exists in the public, non-profit and household sectors. To the extent that employment or the economic equivalent is not universal, unemployment exists.


Opponents of capitalism, such as Marxists oppose the capitalist employment system, considering it to be unfair that the people who contribute the majority of work to an organization do not receive a proportionate share of the profit and that full employment is rarely reached under capitalism.

Other "isms": Marxist communism reorders the hierarchy to suggest that all all citizens of a society are equal owners, and are thus entitled to equal share of the wealth of the society.

The ideal sentiment of this ideology is not bad. The challenge becomes the manner by which the wealth of the society is distributed.


A developing model of employment, as practiced by such companies as Semco, Google, DaVita, Freys Hotels and Linden Labs, seeks to set aside the "master-servant relationship" implicit in the traditional employment contract. The concommitant employment practices are often grouped under the heading Workplace democracy, and are characterised by high levels of employee engagement; principles-based rather than rules-based work relations; and a problem-solving approach to workplace conflict. In this model management (including its employment function) effectively becomes a domain shared between managers and staff. The resurgent New Unionism movement promotes this employment model, and seeks to extend it.

When an individual entirely owns the business for which he or she labours, this is known as self-employment. Self-employment often leads to incorporation. Incorporation offers certain protections of one's personal assets. Laws of incorporation vary from state to state with Delaware having the most incorporated businesses of any state in the U.S.

Workers who are not paid wages, such as volunteers, are generally not considered as being employed. One exception to this is an internship, an employment situation in which the worker receives training or experience (and possibly college credit) as the chief form of compensation.

Those who work under obligation for the purpose of fulfilling a debt, such as an indentured servant, or as property of the person or entity they work for, such as a slave, do not receive pay for their services and are not considered employed. Some historians suggest that slavery is older than employment, but both arrangements have existed for all recorded history.


Income redistribution refers to a political policy intended to even the amount of income individuals are permitted to earn.[citation needed]

The basic premise of the redistribution of income is that money should be distributed to benefit the poorer members of society, and that the rich have an obligation to assist the poor.[citation needed] Thus, money should be redistributed from the rich to the poor, creating a more financially egalitarian society.[citation needed] Proponents of redistribution typically say that the rich exploit the poor or otherwise gain unfair benefits. Therefore, redistributive practices would be justified in order to redress the balance.[citation needed]


Today, income redistribution occurs in some form in most democratic countries, most commonly through income-adjusted taxes (in which the amount of tax paid is directly connected to one's income), some of which goes to fund welfare programs to assist the poor or to all the society.


if You're Being Abused


How to Get Help

if You're Being Abused


Difficulty: Moderately challenging

Things You’ll Need:

  • Address Books
  • Yellow Pages
  • Telephones
  • Airline Tickets
  • Bus Tickets
  • Train Tickets
  • Folders

Make a Safety Plan

Step 1 - Save money each week.
Step 2 - Keep money aside (and hidden) for an emergency.
Step 3 - Keep important documents handy and easily accessible: birth certificates, social security cards, green cards and health records.
Step 4 - Plan an escape route from your house or apartment.
Step 5 - Arrange with neighbors to call police if they hear yelling or get a signal from you.
Step 6 - Arrange for a safe place to stay overnight or longer in case of emergency: with a friend, family member, co-worker, or in a shelter.

Get Help

Step 1 - Call 911 for immediate help. Tell the operator it's an emergency.
Step 2 - Give your address clearly.
Step 3 - Call a domestic abuse hotline.
Step 4 - File charges against the abuser.
Step 5 - Get a restraining order or a protection order to keep the abuser away from you.

Tips & Warnings

  • Contact domestic abuse hotlines for support and help.
  • Never blame yourself nor feel ashamed for being a victim of abuse.
  • Avoid relationships with known abusers.

miercuri, 17 decembrie 2008


A person's status is a set of social conditions or relationships created and vested in an individual by an act of law rather than by the consensual acts of the parties, and it is in rem, i.e. these conditions must be recognised by the world. It is the qualities of universality and permanence that distinguish status from consensual relationships such as employment and agency.
[edit] Identity/personality
In early laws, an outlaw was a person who, by judicial process, was deprived of all normal rights as a human being unless and until a court reversed itself through an affirmative act of inlawry. This was a form of civil death. Similarly, a slave was a chattel or possession, and had no legal personality except that, in the U.S., some of the Free States did allow limited legal personality. Legal personality could be surrendered voluntarily by becoming a monk or by travelling, e.g. the first provisions of the French Civil Code deny civil rights to foreigners. As an aspect of the social contract between a state and the citizens who owe it allegiance, most developed legal systems contain positive provisions defining each individual's legal identity and its attributes. All matters of social rank or caste are examples of personal status, the modern extremes of which would be nobility and the 200 million dalits, the untouchables of India.
Full age or minority are in many laws treated as aspects of personal status. The same thing is true of the loss of capacity by reason of insanity or other mental illness. This is of critical importance if a person wishes to enter into a marriage or a contract having travelled to a state where the age of minority is different or the form of marriage is apparently not consistent with the laws of the "home" state.
Fictitious persons or legal entities may be created by law through the act of incorporation and these corporations are quite separate from the natural persons who may be involved. The holders of some public offices are vested with the office, its terms are fixed by law, and every person within the state must recognise the existence of the office and its rights and duties, e.g. an archbishop or a corporation may represent a business association with its own purposes and capacities. It would be commercially inconvenient if the status of the entity changed depending on the laws of the place where commercial transactions were effected. For example, general partnerships have a separate legal personality in some states but not in others.

[edit] Personal Status
With some exceptions, it is universally accepted that marriage bonds lawfully entered into under the laws of any country[1], which changes the status of a person from "independent", "single" or "unmarried" to "a married person", will be recognized as such by all other countries in the world, and the partners to the marriage assume the status of husband and wife. That status goes with the people no matter where in the world the spouses may find themselves (except where local public policy is invoked). However, though they are recognized as husband and wife, pursuant to a marriage anywhere in the world, the mutual rights and duties owed by the spouses are determined by the law or custom of the country in which they find themselves.
Under normal circumstances, marriage exists until either one of the parties dies or until it is ended by legal process through nullity or divorce. The circumstances in which that status is to be brought to an end is of sufficient interest to the State that it usually regulates the circumstances in which the family relationship may be terminated. On the death of a spouse, the survivor's personal status changes to "widow" or "widower", and on the termination of the marriage, both of their status changes to "divorcee".
The emotional ties between parents and their children come into being through the natural blood relationship but the law attaches a series of right and duties to all involved. A child has the status of a minor. Another is the status of legitimacy. A legitimate child is usually defined as one born to parents who are married to each other; the child is illegitimate if the relationship is not recognized by the law, but usually has the opportunity to change status if the parents subsequently marry. Adoption usually creates a legal relationship similar to that of natural parent and child. In that event, legitimacy or otherwise of the child is not an issue. A parent does not have status as a parent. Issues may arise as to who is in the position of parent in relation to a child when there are issues of illegitimacy, surrogacy or other disputed parenthood.
When a child or other person incapable of looking after themselves requires care by someone who may not be his or her natural or adoptive parent. They are sometimes said to be wards of a legal guardian. This relationship, however, does not change the status of the child as a minor, and, like a parent, the guardian has no status, though rights and duties are expected between the people.

[edit] Status
According to the Bushido Shoshinshu (the Code of the Samurai), a samurai was supposed to commit oibara seppuku (also "hara kiri" – ritual suicide) upon the loss of his master. One who chose to not honor the code was "on his own" and was meant to suffer great shame. The undesirability of ronin status was mainly a discrimination imposed by other samurai and by the daimyo (the feudal lords).

Like regular samurai, ronin wore their two swords.

During the Edo period, with the shogunate's rigid class system and laws, the number of ronin greatly increased. Confiscation of fiefs during the rule of the third Tokugawa shogun Iemitsu resulted in an especially large increase of ronin. During previous ages, samurai were easily able to move between masters and even between occupations. They would also marry between classes. However, during the Edo period, samurai were restricted, and were above all forbidden to become employed by another master without their previous master's permission. Also, low-level samurai, often poor and without choice, were forced to quit or escape their master.


A rule of etiquette may reflect an underlying ethical code, or it may reflect a fashion or status.
Confucius included rules for eating and speaking along with his more philosophical sayings.

Early modern conceptions of what behavior identifies a "gentleman" were codified in the sixteenth century, in a book by Baldassare Castiglione, Il Cortegiano ("The Courtier"); its codification of expectations at the Este court remained in force in its essentials until World War I. Louis XIV established an elaborate and rigid court ceremony, but distinguished himself from the high bourgeoisie by continuing to eat, stylishly and fastidiously, with his fingers. An important book about etiquette is Galateo, overo de' costumi by Monsignor Giovanni della Casa; in fact, in Italian, etiquette is generally called galateo (or etichetta or protocollo).

In the UK, Debrett's is considered by many to be the arbiter of etiquette; their guides to manners and form have long been the last word among polite society. Traditional publications such as Correct Form have recently been updated to reflect contemporary society, and new titles Etiquette for Girls and Manners for Men act as guides for those who want to combine a modern lifestyle with traditional values.

In the American colonies Benjamin Franklin and George Washington wrote codes of conduct for young gentlemen. The immense popularity of advice columns and books by Letitia Baldrige and Miss Manners shows the currency of this topic.

Even more recently, the rise of the Internet has necessitated the adaptation of existing rules of conduct to create Netiquette, which governs the drafting of email, rules for participating in an online forum, and so on.

In Germany, there is an "unofficial" code of conduct, called the Knigge, based on a book of high rules of conduct written by Adolph Freiherr Knigge in the late 18th century entitled exactly Über den Umgang mit Menschen (On Human Relations). The code of conduct is still highly respected in Germany today and is used primarily in the higher society.

Etiquette may be wielded as a social weapon. The outward adoption of the superficial mannerisms of an in-group, in the interests of social advancement rather than a concern for others, is a form of snobbery, lacking in virtue.
The etiquette of business is the set of written and unwritten rules of conduct that make social interactions run more smoothly. Office etiquette in particular applies to coworker interaction, excluding interactions with external contacts such as customers and suppliers. Both office and business etiquette overlap considerably with basic tenets of netiquette.


(=> protection ?)

about service

You see, the thing is that when you punish a server for making a mistake, you punish the guest. Every cook has a story about a chef or cook that would do this. Tickets get pushed back, or the food is cooked without care--all in the name of hurting the server. The thing is, whether the server is having an off night, or if they're just a shithead, it doesnt matter. The job of the cook is to please the guest--to give them an extrordinary experience. Petty grudges can't get in the way of this. Sure, you can talk shit over a beer with the boys after service, but you have to stay focused on the dining room during service. The truth is, you and that server are tied together--without each other, you are both diminished. Think about this during your next service. FOH is not the enemy. They are on your side--despite any obnoxious tickets or bad timing. And in the rare instance that they're not on your side, you still have an obligation to the guests.

I'd like to write that by that you disrespect yourself, your ocupation, ...

It links to aikido service and street randori, or simplier with everyday life. It connects with today posts.

It's epidemic like flu. And it is a bad manner. Third (:p), creates bad karma.

"Virtues are habits !"

"Free markets are morally neutral -- neither good nor bad. What brings morality into free market activities are the actions of people.

People's decisions and actions become habits. First we choose to lie, but eventually if we continue to lie we become a liar. Virtues are habits, and these habits shape our character over time.

It is time to stop blaming morally neutral systems for what we do and who we become. Ultimately, we become good or evil through our own actions and decisions that are taken through our own free will.

It is time to take a long, hard look at our culture; for it is there that we find our shared sense of right and wrong. We must stop the folly of deferring morality to governmental policy and regulatory control."

Aikido is a do or a jutsu ?
If it's a do, should we strive to became de (virtues) artists ?
After all, it is only a decision !

"creative destruction"

I knew that the macroeconomists use financial instruments to regulate the market.

Entrep. mind writes about "creative destruction".
Financing Outlook for 2009
By Jeff Cornwall on December 17, 2008
"As Rick Newman points out at US News:
But recessions are times of "creative destruction," and while the destruction tends to dominate the headlines, new opportunities often sprout as companies seek new ways to grow and those resistant to change drift into obsolescence. Plus, recessions end. And when this one does, we'll all be ready for a party--on a careful budget."

My questions are: Why ? or What are the real goals ? and Who are the targets ?

How about making the "creative destruction", one of the metaphores for aikido.
Nage destroyes, Uke's actions !
What are the nage's intentions ? ... punishment, self-defence or interpersonal relationship (turning an aggresor in a friend, curing uke's anger, keeping own emotional balance) ?

lecturi recomandabile :))

Janssen Thierry - Solutia interioara ()


http://www.drjeffcornwall.com/ (The Entrepreneurial Mind)

marți, 16 decembrie 2008

reversing the roles


Ministry Contemplation: Examining the Real/ real

A lesson in theology for hoarders !

At night, when I review the day, I thank God for the times I was able to
"person" from "behavior";
for the times I was clear on who is Creator and who is creature, and the times
I was saved from
reversing the roles.
Being the handiwork of the Creator is what bonds us creatures into a oneness that we prefer not to see or accept because the implications would cost us more than we have been willing to pay so far. -Sister Josephine McGrory (Mid-Atlantic)

Emotions - Tolle



EckhartTeachingsJuly 29, 2008

Eckhart talks about expressing emotions.

Category: Education
Tags: Eckhart Tolle presense emotions