duminică, 21 decembrie 2008

Psychic Gifts


Psychic Gifts
Written by Virginia, Sibylline Priestess

Psychic gifts are an essential part of the self that has been suppressed by the society in which we live. Distrust and fear of our bodies, faith in science and fact, and fear of the unknown plagues our society and limits our potential. Until recently psychic gifts or abilities could not be explained by science. But as science expands its awareness and research the doors to unlocking the genetic code also unlocks an understanding of human abilities once thought to be supernatural, that which is unexplainable by science. We are finding that gifts seem to be genetically linked just as the color of one’s hair or eyes and that highly gifted people usually have more than one gift.

Like any gifts, they can be uncomfortable to have if not understood. An individual may labeled or believe to be possessed or insane. Prevailing thought is that each of us has one or more of these gifts in varying degrees. Psychic gifts are as natural as musical talent or mathematical ability. With training latent abilities can be nurtured and controlled by the individual. There is nothing mystical or unusual about them and they are neither sent by dark forces nor by angels. They do not tell us to do harmful things to ourselves or to others.

Gifted people often think of themselves as being unique or weird and don't talk much about what they see, hear, sense, or dream. Untrained individuals have little understanding of their abilities they possess and no shields – the ability to block out unwanted external input. In response some highly gifted people shut themselves down becoming blocked off - to a trained person they appear as a void or a walled space. Others have erratic shields that can make them dizzy, feel out of control, uncomfortable around crowds, or over stimulated alternating with feelings of unreality or watching a picture. As a physical reaction due to sensory overload they often hate crowds or suffer from agoraphobia. Overwhelming or uncontrollable stimulation may also lead to hospitalization because the voices won't go away or the visions won't stop. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between a psychic gift and psychiatric or chemical imbalance. Without understanding and training gifts can quite literally drive one to believe that they are insane.

Some of the Gifts are only received (R) some are only sent (S) and some are both (S/R). Gifted people can manifest these abilities in three different ways:

Senders (S) do not receive impression from others but can alter the mental/ emotional environment to conform to what they are experiencing. They send. They might appear insensitive and self-centered which may confuse other Gifted people who can See that the gifts are awake, but the person acts headblind.

Receivers (R) only receive information. They are usually uncomfortable to the point of hysteria in crowds and have been misdiagnosed with a multitude of nervous conditions. Since certain drugs (tranquilizers, speed, crack/ cocaine, or alcohol) block out the gifts, many receivers become addict or develop substance abuse problems. They are generally solitary people, but can tolerate crowds when "under the influence." Shielding reduces or eliminates this problem, though large parties and nightclubs will never be favorite places to hang out.

Sending and Receiving (S/R) The most usual combination. Sending feels like pushing away from the self or moving current through the self to another person. Receiving feels like being a cup filling with whatever is being sent from others or the environment. Part of the Bardic and Medium Gifts is being able to do both at the same time (like a wheel).

The common misunderstanding regarding psychic gifts is that all forms are present, infallible, and give us all the answers. Think of the skeptic who says to a tarot reader “Well if you’re psychic what am I thinking right now ?” or “Well if you can see into the future why can’t you predict the lottery numbers ?” “Psychic” is a term that has come to be an umbrella for a variety of natural gifts. These gifts develop and emerge in a variety of ways and strengths. They do not offer easy answers or fix problems. They are abilities that add another layer of understanding and perception to the world we live in. They can be refined, focused, understood instead of feared or misunderstood.

Let’s examine the gifts, and the differences between being psychic and being crazy …

Telepathy (S/R)
Empathy (S/R)
Empathy is similar to telepathy in many respects but revolves around emotions instead of thoughts. To be an empath is to be able to sense what others are feeling, and/ or influence what others are feeling.
aiki = influence
what uke-s are feeling ?

If one is an empath, feelings and emotional atmosphere play a strong part in every aspect of one’s life.

Empathic ability can manifest as sending, receiving, or both. A sending empath may not have much sense of what others feel, because the can usually change an unpleasant response into a more favorable one. The receiving empath is in danger of being swamped by the feelings of others, and may not know whether the feeling is internally or externally generated.

For an empath crowds are almost unbearable. A gifted empath may feel angry/ depressed/ elated/ in love/ enraged in a matter of a few moments as the gift reaches out and picks up whatever is there. A feeling of being on a roller coaster and of smothering in a sea of feelings may accompany this. On the other hand, the person seems to gravitate to the individual in the room who needs help dealing with an emotional problem.
An empath makes an excellent
and is usually the one to whom friends bring their problems because “s/he really understands.” Like telepathy, this gift may not be related to proximity and often family members and close friends may be “sensed” no matter how distant they are.

Many empaths depend on this ability to interact with and understand their environment. For some this dependency limits their will to control their empathic abilities or to shield themselves. It is important to understand where your emotions come from. Is that sadness or anger yours or someone else’s ? Pay attention to the people and events transpiring around you. Learn to identify the feelings and emotions that generate from inside as compared to random emotions with purpose or trigger. Work with your ability to tone it down when things get overwhelming. Two unshielded and unaware empaths in an argument can cause quite a feedback loop.

Related Gifts: Mind Healing, Physical Healing - 5-10% of population Communication with Plants (green thumb) Communication with Animals

Psychometry (R)
Clair Gifts (R)

Clairvoyance (clear-seeing)

Clairsentience (clear-sensing)
The person knows and feels things about places--a room, house, building, field, etc. Usually senses "what happened". The stronger the gift, the more sensitive one is to the environment.

Precognition (R)
Retrocogniton (R)
Telekinesis (S)
PyroKinesis (S)
Medium (S/R) - channeling
Catalyst Telepath (S)
Transformers (S/R)
Bard Gift (S/R)
Healing (S)
Healing only manifests with Telepathy or Empathy, and is the art of using the energies of the mind to heal.
In some the gifts manifest so slightly that the individual might as well be "headblind", no psychic ability. Gifted people have a lot of trouble being around the headblind, who in turn are uncomfortable with the notion that someone might know more than they do, through unexplained resources. Gifted people tend to gravitate towards one another, and if oblivious to the reasons, might explain it as "chemistry" or other vague appellations.

The best way to learn about and control your gifts is to pay attention. Stop ignoring all the "weird" things that happen to you, and start examining them. Where is the input coming from? Why do you feel this way? Why does that always happen? When you do recognize a gift at work, how do you feel at that moment? How do you feel when it's not? We have been programmed all our lives that "normal" people do not "see" things, "hear" things or just "know" things. We put these occurrences into a convenient ignore file in our brains and forget about them. To train your gifts you must first believe in yourself and your abilities, deprogram your thinking, and then figure out what your personal gifts are, learn how they operate and how to tune them out. Only then can you focus the gifts you have working inside and firmly grasp your sanity and declare yourself capable and sane.

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