luni, 22 decembrie 2008

Energy Psychology

Holistic Approaches to Emotional Health

"Energy patterns in the body impact emotional states"
-David Feinstein, Ph.D. (2001)

Energy -

The New Frontier in Psychology


What's so different about an ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY approach to emotional problems ?

In Energy Psychology, the problem is assessed, diagnosed, and treated as an ENERGY-BASED PROBLEM. ... Dr. David Feinstein (2001) ...: "Like the Oriental medicine traditions to which it traces, the theoretical core of energy psychology is simply this:

"Whatever the presenting problem,

it has a counterpart in the client's energy system and

can be treated at that level."

The energy psychology practitioner will check the client's energy system for disturbance in energy flow or balance (assessment), identify the energy component of the client's problem (diagnosis), and then treat the energy disturbance with specific energy-based techniques.

Energy Psychology treatments integrate handily with other counseling and psychotherapy approaches. In effect, Energy Psychology interventions add to the power and depth of traditional treatments by correcting the energy disturbance underlying the client's emotional disturbance. As a result, the presenting problem usually resolves at a deep and complete level.

"All good psychotherapy serves to reorganize the client's energy

fieldin a manner that helps free the client of psychological disturbances."

- David Grudermeyer, PhD

- Rebecca Grudermeyer, PsyD


Energy Psychology ... techniques. ... : The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), BE SET FREE FAST (BSFF), and Seemorg Matrix Work.


The Emotional Freedom Techniques™ - EFT


THE EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES ™ (EFT) is a fast, powerful self-treatment for emotional and physical distress. EFT uses rubbing and tapping on specific spots on the body to jump-start and encourage the flow of energy through disturbed or blocked energy channels. If this sounds appealing, go to this EFT site for a wealth of wonderful information related to EFT and its applications.


"The cause of all negative emotions is a

disruption in the body's energy system."

THE MERIDIAN SYSTEM . When we do EFT, we stimulate a system of energy channels called the "meridian system." The meridian system is a network of channels that transports energy or ch'i. It has been known, studied and successfully treated in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over 5000 years. The meridian energy system has been imaged in the west by infrared photography and other specialized technology. It is meridian energy flow and balance that is treated by our local acupuncture and acupressure practitioners. Now, we can treat energy disturbances in the meridian system ourselves using EFT.



The Setup: Massage a tender area of lymph nodes in your upper chest and repeat a specially-worded statement of your problem. - 10 sec

Tapping Sequence: Tap with the pads of your fingers on a series of acupressure points to stimulate energy flow through the meridian system. - 20 sec

9-Gamut Procedure: Tap one acupressure point on the back of your hand; do 9 brain-connecting actions with eye movements, humming and words. - 10 sec

Tapping Sequence: Again, tap with pads of your fingers on the same acupressure points to stimulate energy flow through the meridian system. - 20 sec

Total EFT Treatment Time = about 60 seconds


THE TAPAS ACUPRESSURE TECHNIQUE SM (TAT) is a simple, structured, and highly respectful treatment technique which was originated by Tapas Fleming, Licensed Acupuncturist and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

PROBLEMS TREATED. TAT is exquisitely designed to treat and eliminate the negative influence of past events, including trauma and related unresolved issues that compromise both emotional and physical well-being. Since there is often a trauma-based origin to allergies and toxic reactions, it's not surprising that TAT is effective in treating chemical sensitivities.

TAT TREATMENT. To apply TAT, you hold gentle hand positions at the front and back of your head adjacent to the areas where your brain receives and projects visual information. While in this special pose, the TAT protocol guides you to focus your mind on specific components of the problem. At the same time, the energy directed between your hands frees energy that has been stuck in thoughts, feelings and past experience related to your problem. This way, at an energetic level, you gently desensitize, heal and reclaim parts of your Self which have been cut off and denied lest you re-experience the traumatic feelings of the bad thing(s) that happened in your past.


"According to TCM, many acupuncture meridians merge and

enter the brain at specific facial points: these points are activated

during the TAT treatment as the individual accesses the

disturbance and/ or energy stagnation. The combination of the

client's attention and the activation of the acupressure points

opens up the flow of held information and

allows the brain to process the material adaptively."

An underlying concept in energy psychology is this: ENERGY FOLLOWS INTENTION. When your hands are in the TAT treatment "pose," energy flows between them. Why? Because your hands naturally radiate energy, and energy naturally follows your intention to resolve your problem and effect positive change.

From my own reading, I know that between the front- and back-of-head hand positions used in TAT lie the brain structures where memory of traumatic fear is stored. Even if a person has no conscious memory of the original traumatic event, fear may yet be stored deep in the brain, most likely in the "amygdala" in the wall of the third ventricle. Until the stored fear is cleared or desensitized, it is ever ready to be triggered by cues in our physical or social environment. (Reference: Joseph LeDoux, The Emotional Brain, 1996).


Be Set Free Fast - BSFF


Be Set Free Fast, popularly known as BSFF, was developed by Dr. Larry Nims, Clinical Psychologist. BSFF is a complete energy therapy approach to treating psychological problems. It is a fluid, elegant system of dynamic interaction between energy clinician and client. If you're already eager to learn more about BSFF, you can read along here with me for my appreciative overview or check out this site . I love using BSFF !



Behavioral and Emotional Symptom Elimination Training For
Resolving Excess Emotion: Fear, Anger, Sadness and T

BSFF THEORY. According to Dr. Nims, the subconscious mind (SCM) is a good and faithful servant, just doing its job, running programs. The SCM runs the programs that govern most of our thoughts, feelings and actions when we function on automatic. Fortunately, most of those programs are helpful. They remind us how to use a telephone, use the toaster and fry an egg, how to drive the car and where to find our car keys (well, most of the time, anyway), without taking up the conscious mind's time and attention. In this way, the SCM allows us to multitask for efficiency.

THE PROBLEM IS THIS: the SCM is easily cued to run old, outdated programs. Though they may be dysfunctional now, our most consistent (and insistent) emotional programs were installed in early years. It's those programs that tell us certain situations are likely to be HURTFUL, making us FEARFUL or ANGRY, so that we JUDGE AND CRITICIZE others, ourselves and the situations, because that's what we've been taught. This happens even in present-day situations that we know are not likely to be hurtful or scary like before.
If old, dysfunctional programs are running, any attempt at forgiveness of self or another will likely be ineffective. That's because the SCM is still running programs based on (1) hurtful root experiences and (2) subconscious beliefs we've constructed from them.

BSFF TREATMENT. The therapist first establishes an energy feedback system so that the client can communicate with the his/her subconscious mind. This may be called a "muscle test" or, more correctly, an "energy check." (Click on Energy Testing to learn how!)

An energy check ... helps you explore your thoughts and feelings about your problem, using the energy check to see if your subconscious mind (SCM) and your conscious mind agree.

HERE'S A 'FOR INSTANCE'. From your conscious mind you state with conviction, "I'm completely over that old hurt/ trauma that happened way back then. I've let it all go." However, careful energy checking might reveal that your SCM says something like this: "I'm still deeply hurt about that … and I don't ever want to get over it … because then I won't be safe … and I could get hurt some more … so it's not okay for me to get over this problem … and I want to keep it."

Well … if that's the program that's automatically running in your SCM, you're not going to get over your irrational hurt, or fear and anxiety, or unwarranted frustration, resentment and anger, or whatever the problem is. Fortunately, there's good news from Dr. Nims and BSFF !

BSFF is a way to systematically eliminate such emotional problems

quickly, deeply and painlessly, using healing verbal triggers or cues

… and the help of your subconscious mind !

... ...

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