duminică, 21 decembrie 2008



Chapter 5:

Practical Kabbalah




The Kabbalistic ritual technique I am about to describe is based on an assumption which may or may not be valid, but which gives the technique a characteristic style. The assumption is "form precedes manifestation"; that is, anything which manifests in this, the real, physical world, is preceded by a process of "formation", a process described in its general outline by the doctrine of sephirothic emanation and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. This premise is not so odd or metaphysical as it might seem. Every object in the room I am sitting in is a product of human manufacture. The mug I am drinking my tea out of was once clay, and its form existed in someone's mind before taking shape in fired clay. The house I live in was once an architect's design, and before that, an abstract object in a land developer's scheme for making lots of money. Every object of human manufacture originally existed as an idea or form in someone's mind, and each idea went through a process of development, from inspiration to manufacture - I have described much of this elsewhere in these Notes. It is not a large step to conceive of the whole universe as the product of mind, so that every form of substance - the physical elements, each species of plant and animal - are the result of a process of formation occuring in mind. Where are these abstract minds? They compose a whole which the Kabbalist conveniently labels "God", and the parts, if we want to refer to them seperately as subordinate components, we call "archangels", and "angels" and "spirits", and "elementals" and "devils". Each of these minds or intelligences holds a portion of the archetypal form of the world in place, and each mind is a form in its own right; each of these archetypal intelligences can be comprehended as a part of Binah, the Intelligence of God and Mother of all form.



Sephiroth - Geburah

Roman Gods - Mars

Buddhist Meditations - Death

Magical Images - A mighty warrior in his chariot armed and crowned

Magical Powers - The Vision of power

Planetary Intelligence - Exciting

Sephirah Intelligence - Radical Intelligence


Tiphareth - Intelligence Of Mediating Influence



Day of Week: Tuesday

Sephiroth: Geburah

Number: 5

Color: Red

Intelligence: Exciting

Month(s) of the year when formative forces are most prevalent: June, July, and August.

Products used: Alchemical Resurrection Tincture Tuesday.

Physical organ correlation to Sacral Chakra: Mesenteric, Prostatic, and Vaginal, Plexus. These nerve plexus's are found between the base of the spine and the navel. The adrenal’s -found on top of either kidney- also are under the red influence of Mars. The energy of this Chakra is also active in the motor centers of the brain, every muscle (voluntary and involuntary) and of course our sex drive.

Stage of Spiritual Unfoldment: The fifth stage of spiritual unfoldment is called Regeneration. After the Hermetic Scientist has worked on their body, effecting change at the cellular level there comes a time when a sufficient number of new cells have been generated that have been under the direction of selfconsciousness forming a critical mass allowing a spontaneous change occur.

This inner initiation is quite powerful. Its energy is the flash, which precipitates the destruction of false doctrines and misshapen social conditioning of morality. Because the consciousness of the alchemist is aligned with the God of the Universe and not that made up by organized religion, that which moves the heard no longer controls them. Their volition is that of God's. Because of this the alchemist has the ability to have psychic effects over crowds as well as an increase in physical strength. Tread upon the elements and world of this initiation with caution and do many reality checks because egotism and megalomania can result from its use if not monitored carefully, and the practitioner has not balanced himself or herself properly by following the preceding rituals. Initiations on this level generally occur in a tower or fortress like structure.


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