marți, 23 decembrie 2008

LEFT Brain Training

LEFT Brain Training: the mindset and techniques


NLP Wealth Mindset Technique 4: PHYSIOLOGY

You can use your physiology (or body posture) to change your state instantly. Maintaining positive states of mind is essential to creating a wealth mindset.

Benefits: You can change your state at will.

The Physiology Techniques


NLP Physiology Strategies

Physiology is the science that deals with the functions and vital processes of living organisms, including human beings. NLP uses the term primarily to refer to body posture and movement.

Most people are familiar with the idea of changing your state of mind through manipulating your body (in other words, changing your physiology):

  • You can change how you feel by ingesting food, especially comfort foods like chocolate or ice cream
  • You can change how you feel with alcohol or drugs
  • You can relax with a warm shower or a long bath
  • You can discharge tension through walking, running or hitting a punching bag
  • You can energize yourself by listening to fast music
  • You can slow yourself down with deep breathing

Any change in your biochemistry affects your state of mind.

But are you also aware that changing the way you move your body can have a subtle but important influence on the way you feel ?

Here's a quick experiment to illustrate this point:

  1. Try to feel depressed as you jump up and down and shake your hands in the air.

  2. Try to feel confident as you slump your shoulders and look down.

  3. Try to feel tired and listless as you march around the room.

Changing your physiology is probably the simplest way to change your frame of mind in an instant.

Preliminary Physiology Exercise

  1. Stand in front of a full-length mirror.
  2. Watch yourself in the mirror as you stand, sit, walk, breathe and gesture.
  3. If you were a detached observer watching this person (you) go through these motions, what first impressions would you form of him or her ?
  4. Take a few minutes and make a note of them.
  5. Is there anything you'd like to change?
    How would you prefer to be perceived?
  6. Make a note of these desirable changes.

The Basic Physiology Strategy

  1. Still standing in front of the mirror, experiment with deliberately changing your physiology, using 'self confidence' as an example of a desired state.

  2. Ask yourself these questions, then perform the appropriate movements:

    • How would you move if you were extremely confident?
      Do it.
    • How would you sit if you were extremely confident?
      Do it.
    • How would you breathe if you were extremely confident?
      Do it.
    • How would you look if you were extremely confident?
      Do it.
    • What gestures would you make if you were extremely confident?
      Do them.

  3. Turn away from the mirror and practice these movements one at a time for few minutes.

  4. Notice how if feels to move your body self-confidently.

  5. Notice your frame of mind as you move this way.

Which of these behaviors would you like to install as a habit?

Your Next Step:

  1. Read the list you made earlier of desirable states.

  2. Choose a state you consider to be extremely important for your ongoing success (e.g., self-confidence).

  3. Use your body to discover how you'd stand, sit, move, breathe and gesture if you felt that way.

  4. Write it on a small piece of paper. Place this on your notice board or in your wallet or purse.

  5. For one week, whenever you walk anywhere, adopt the walk that elicits this state.

  6. If it makes sense, train yourself to always walk this way.

  7. Practice when you're out in the world.

  8. Don't beat yourself up for not remembering to do this. Instead, just do it whenever you DO remember.

  9. When you've mastered this process, return to the Wealth Mindset page.

You'll soon come to realize that change doesn't have to be difficult.


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