vineri, 19 decembrie 2008

The Aikido Association International (AAI)
International Recognition

AAI provides international recognition and accreditation of Aikido dojo and their satellites. It provides guidance on establishing and maintaining a dojo, whether university club to professionally-run, full-time dojo. Member dojo are listed free of charge on the internationally-accessed AAA/ AAI web site.

A full dojo offers an Aikido program that meets consistently at least three times per week, and has been in existence at least three years. Instruction is by shidoin and fukushidoin.

An Aikido club offers an Aikido program that meets consistently at least three times per week, and has existed at least one year. Instruction again is by shidoin and fukushidoin.

Legitimacy of instructors and quality of instruction are always emphasized in AAI. To this end, the organization has requirements for several levels of instructor certification, and provides international recognition of this certification. Instructor training seminars are also offered yearly in Europe, as well as twice a year in the United States.

Instructor levels include shihan (master instructor),shihandai (assistant shihan), sensei (teacher), shidoin (instructor), fukushidoin (assistant instructor), and jyoshu (assistant). Certification level depends on guidelines set forth in AAI policy.

International recognition of status as an Aikido practitioner is one of the services provided to individual members by AAI. Membership entitles the student to an AAI membership card or yudansha booklet, in which records of the students test and certification dates, annual dues payments, and camp and seminar attendance is recorded. Students receive the international AAI newsletter, Aikido World, four times per year.

Dan Rank Tests and Promotions
AAI has established standardized requirements for kyu rank promotion tests for adults and children, and for black belt tests. The organization provides certification for successful kyu-rank promotions through the students' dojo-cho; dan certificates are issued by Aikido World Headquarters. The AAI and AAA Teaching Committee, administers the black belt tests at seminars overseas for aikidoka around the world, in conjunction with members of the local test committees.

The local test committees, or Shinsa iin kai, are composed of Aikido instructors ranked sandan (third degree black belt) and above, who are elected from among the collective group of Aikido black belts present at a promotion test. The head of the Shinsa iin kai is shibucho of the area in which the test is taking place, as appointed by the AAI Teaching Committee, and reports directly to the AAI Teaching Committee.
Professional Instructor Training ProgramAAI believes that professional, full-time Aikido instructors are the means by which the art will be successfully transmitted to future generations. For this reason, the Association has instituted a professional instructor training program with unique opportunities for learning teaching methodology as well as strategies for establishing and operating professional schools in today's world.

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