marți, 13 ianuarie 2009

The initiation of force is the start, or beginning, of the use of physical and/or legal coercion, violence, or restraint. This is to be distinguished from retaliatory force and violence. It can be understood as the difference between two or more individuals getting into a fist-fight: whoever "threw the first punch" is the initiator of force, or aggressor, while the person(s) attacked--the victim(s)--are using non-initiatory or retaliatory force if they fight back. It also is contrasted with the non-aggression principle which supports force only in self-defense.
(Redirected from Legal force)
The 'rule of law', in its most basic form, is the principle that no one is above the law. Thomas Paine stated in his pamphlet Common Sense (1776): "For as in absolute governments the king is law, so in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other."
Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with written, publicly disclosed laws adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps that are referred to as due process. The principle is intended to be a safeguard against arbitrary governance, whether by a totalitarian leader or by mob rule. Thus, the rule of law is hostile both to dictatorship and to anarchy.
Due diligence in civil litigation is the effort made by an ordinarily prudent or reasonable party to avoid harm to another party. Failure to make this effort may be considered negligence. This is conceptually distinct from investigative due diligence, involving a general obligation to meet a standard of behavior. Quite often a contract will specify that a party is required to provide due diligence.

It is not correct to confuse due care and due diligence. Due care should be spelled out in full as duty of care. It is a legal concept by itself. Duty of care may be very wide, far reaching, and also a grey area subject to argument. Basically, parents owe their infant a duty of care in everything. As the infant grows to be a child, to be an adolescent, an adult, the duty of care and its scope become less and less. Fundamentally, a duty of care is a moral duty to care. When legal acknowledgment is extended to this moral obligation, then this duty becomes a legal requirement. Inversely, the legislature sets the duty in the statute. Then we consider this duty as legal and amoral ["a-", without, not having to consider the moral aspect].

When read carefully, care is the passive mode; diligence is the active mode.

... a standard or contract requirement.

[edit] As a criminal defense

In criminal law, due diligence is the only available defense to a crime that is one of strict liability (i.e. a crime that only requires an actus reus and no mens rea). Once the criminal offense is proven, the defendant must prove on the beyond a reasonable doubt that they did everything possible to prevent the act from happening. It is not enough that they took the normal standard of care in their industry - they must show that they took every reasonable precaution.


luni, 12 ianuarie 2009

jin organization
the Chinese term for the "internal power" associated with Chinese martial arts. Theoretically the opposite of brute muscular force, nèi jìn should be characterized by softness, elasticity, and flexibility. When nèi jìn is successfully exerted, body and breathing supposedly work together as a single unit, with no wasted effort anywhere in the musculature.
Nèi jìn is developed by using "nèigōng" (), or "internal exercises" ... many internal styles use pushing hands as a way to train the principles. A famous application of nèi jìn is the "fā jìn" () used by practitioners of the internal martial arts to generate relaxed but explosive force. A key aspect of fa jin is the recruitment of the body's sinews (tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues) to release force rather than relying on muscular tension.

Jìn (勁), or "power," is often confused by Westerners with the related concept of jīng (), which literally means "semen," and by extension used metaphorically to mean "essence" within the context of Taoist literature and traditional Chinese medicine.

[edit] See also

It means to issue or discharge power, and is not specific to any particular striking method. ...

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

The eight extraordinary vessels are:
Directing Vessel (Ren mai)
Governing Vessel (Du Mai)
Jolan Chang
sexologist and Taoist philosopher who wrote the luminary classics on Eastern Sexuality The Tao of Love and Sex and The Tao of the Loving Couple.
3 KB (371 words) - 11:02, 11 January 2009
  • Taoist sexual practices (redirect Taoist sex)
    "Joining Energy" or "The Joining of the Essences", is the way some Taoists practiced sex. References : The Tao of Love and Sex.
    14 KB (2129 words) - 22:56, 11 January 2009
  • Sex manual
    Sex manuals are book s which explain how to perform sexual intercourse and other that the 'Tao of Love Coupling' originated from Huang-ti.
    9 KB (1326 words) - 21:53, 24 December 2008
  • Yang Sen (1884–1977)
    He was also known as a Chi Kung an Tao Yin master. Daniel Reid reports in his book "Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity", that the Chinese
    4 KB (598 words) - 16:10, 12 January 2009
  • ***
    consensual BDSM
    Some proponents of sex-positivity claim that under the Western, Christian tradition, sex is seen as a destructive force except when it is redeemed by the saving grace of procreation, and sexual pleasure is seen as sinful. Sexual acts are ranked hierarchically, with procreative marital heterosexuality at the top of the hierarchy and masturbation, homosexuality and other sexualities that deviate from societal norms closer to the bottom. Medicine and psychiatry are said to have also contributed to sex-negativity, as they may, from time to time, designate some forms of sexuality that appear on the bottom of this hierarchy as being pathological (see Mental illness).

    She's Losing Interest

    nice guy syndrome

    First, let me tell you my situation. I've been dating Sasha for about three months now. I was unbelievably attracted to her from the start (she's 26 and a real hottie), and though I tried my best to stay a Challenge, I couldn't help myself from slipping into the worshipful "Nice Guy" syndrome, after which, predictably, she began to lose some interest in me.

    get other women's attention

    If Sasha's Interest Level is 51% (like you say it is), the attention of other women will have a positive impact for the time being. But if her interest is just flickering at around 40% to 49%, these little back-and-forth skirmishes won't amount to much of anything. When you're in that south-of-the-50-yard-line range, she's just wasting your time and playing with your head.
    And then add Challenge to it. But it's probably too late.


    get your dating act together

    Sure, maybe you'll meet someone new when you're flirting. And maybe there'll be an earthquake and a brick will fall and hit you in the head, too. The problem is that unless you toughen up and get the monkey off your back, when Miss Beautiful No. 2 comes along, you're going to play the same old record. You're going to make the same tired mistakes, and No. 2 is going to get rid of you, too. Except that when she does, you'll be four years older, you'll have a network of little wrinkles around your eyes, and you won't be as cute.

    How To Read A Woman's Interest Level
    for a woman who has never met you before, to be motivated to initiate a conversation with you in a public place, her Interest Level in you must be at least 80% or higher -- get it?

    Understand something else, Martin. Just because a woman has 80%+ Interest Level in you, that alone does not guarantee that she will approach and initiate contact with a guy that she's attracted to. If she's an old-fashioned kind of gal, she'll still wait for the man to make the first move. Why? Because society dictates that it's the male who must be the aggressor. She still may think, "Hey, it's his job to put himself at risk, not mine."

    you're up at bat

    So Martin, when you're considering approaching a woman you've never been introduced to, be aware of what her body language is saying. Check out and properly evaluate every non-verbal signal that you can find. Then, if you're getting some kind of buying signals, make an attempt to strike up a conversation with her. Of course, try to get her to laugh right off the bat if at all possible.

    But do not wait for her to make the first move. And even if she does make the first move, do not wait for her to ask for your phone number. You must take charge, be assertive and go for the gold. She'll respect you for it when you do.

    Doc Love: Dealing With An Alpha Female
    We don't break up with women -- they drop us. Get it? Sure, something was missing for her -- 51 points of Interest Level! It was 100% for around 180 days, but you managed to lower it to 49%. That's the missing "chemistry" she was talking about. Chemistry is the twin sister of Challenge.

    she “just doesn’t get along with other girls”
    she’s emotionally cheating on me ?

    How do I combat her alpha-female habits/ attitudes and also keep her stimulated enough so that her alpha-female personality doesn’t get bored ? Please help !

    doc love’s answer

    Hi Foster,

    I’m going a little out of order here, but please bear with me. Number two: You dated this girl when she was between 18 and 22. And when you fall in love with a babe in that age range, you’re asking for trouble. Like the old Chinese proverb goes, “At that age they’re a tad flighty, grasshopper.”

    you’ve been drop-kicked

    You guys didn’t break up; Sara dropped you. She dropped you because she wanted the attention of 500 other guys.
    Did you notice that Sara talked only about how much you care about her and she’s not talking about her wild passion for you? And all this isn’t because she’s a so-called “alpha female,” it’s because you turned her off and she has low Interest Level.

    tap dancing on her ego

    All you guys ever want to do is rationalize the woman’s behavior. Every time a woman does something nasty to you, you make the excuse that she’s an alpha female, that she’s shy or that she’s been hurt. You always come up with a second, third or fourth reason why you got dumped, but never the FIRST, MOST IMPORTANT REASON -- which is LOW INTEREST LEVEL. This girl doesn’t dig you. And if you did leave her the first time -- which I doubt -- she only came back to you because she couldn’t believe that you didn’t come crawling back to her begging like 90% of guys do when she’s in that 40% to 49% Interest Level range.

    Sara only told you she wanted to be with you forever to get you back because you rubbed her ego wrong. She was just playing an ego game with you, and now you have her mixed up with an alpha female -- which is really a bunch of BS.

    ... She craves attention and she has to have it. ... She probably has very low self-esteem and one man will never be able to fulfill her.” You don’t stand a chance, buddy.

    ... alpha females with high Interest Level don’t play games with their men. ... She’s about as alpha as they come and even the fact that her husband has repeatedly cheated on her hasn’t lowered her Interest Level.

    And by the way, when is Sara going to learn to handle all this male attention ? When she’s collecting Social Security ?

    she’s running with the pack

    Dude, why would you want to be with a girl who’s running around with your friends ? ...

    ... Whether she gets along with other girls or not is not an issue here. The point -- the only point -- is her Interest Level toward you. ... This whole thing about incorporating you into her “guy-friend time” has absolutely nothing to do with the issue of her interest in you. ...

    Sara’s not scared of settling down. As a matter of fact, she’s not scared of anything. Like my Uncle Jethro Love says, “She’s only scared of having to spend time with you, when she’d rather be with the rugby team !”

    she has to like you to cheat

    And she’s not cheating on you either; to cheat on you she’d have to have high Interest Level in you in the first place.

    Sadly, you can’t keep Sara from getting bored. Like my cousin Brother Love down in Watts says: “Too late, dawg. Her Interest Level crossed over into Mexico.”


    ... For the past 30 years Doc Love has asked thousands of women, “Why do you stay with one man versus another ?”

    How To Deal With Bored Married Women
    How To Deal With Bored Married Women
    By Doc Love

    Web Site: Doc Love's System: click here

    Success Coach

    This week's letter comes from a guy who wants to know why bored, married, rich women keep coming on to him.

    reader's question

    Hey Doc,

    unhappily married women

    What's complicating this situation is that I seem to keep running into unhappily married women who show an interest in me. These are women whom I've met through my work (I own a small manufacturing business.) I'll give you examples.

    First there's Dominique, a stunning Frenchwoman who is married to an American man. He's a successful financial analyst; a very nice man (I've met him a couple of times) and they have two young children. The problem, says Dominique, is that she's not in love with her husband anymore. He doesn't pay attention to her and is always working. They are well off and have all the trappings; it goes without saying. She claims that she is physically attracted to me, but so far when we've been alone, she has made no move to touch me.

    unhappily separated women

    Another example is Ava, a gorgeous redhead in the process of getting separated from her wealthy stockbroker husband. They have five kids, and her complaints about her soon-to-be-ex are the same as Dominique's, with the addition that Ava's husband is also mentally and physically abusive. Ava and her kids are also well provided for, but she's not happy. She also says she's attracted to me, but when we went for a walk in the park the other day, she said that she "wasn't ready" to go any further at this point because her head's "not right." But what threw me for a loop is that she revealed to me right afterward that she's already dating a musician.

    doc love's answer

    Hi Quentin,
    these gals are coming to you for business reasons. You haven't talked about trying to meet females by working the Internet, or going to a dance club, or attending a cooking class or awareness seminar.

    The point is that you're really not going out and consciously "meeting" this type of woman.
    They just appear to be it for the time being.

    were these women in love ?

    Did you ask Dominique if when she married her poor sap of a husband she was in love with him ?
    Don't you see that, Quentin? And don't for a minute jump to the conclusion that the mess she's in is definitely the fault of her husband. What she's handing you is just Womanese for "I'm bored, and I need to play with someone else's head for a while !"

    Here's another question you should have asked her: How does she think her kids are going to be provided for after she dumps hubby ? I hate to have to break this to you, pal, but Dominique's selfish, and all she's thinking about is herself, not her kids. And they deserve to be thought about. After all, like my cousin Brother Love says, "The little ones didn't ask for your misery, did they ?"

    These women are players, so it's time you started using them ...
    need someone to moan to about how terrible their lives are

    be patient with women

    So, buddy, rather than get yourself entangled in a quagmire with one of these two temptresses, what you're going to do is get Dominique and Ava to set you up with their best-looking girlfriends who are single. Tell them, "Next time you want to get together and talk about your husband problems, bring along one of your hottest friends. In fact, bring along two of them. I don't want you to think I'm a hog or anything, but what the heck, let's spread all this love around !"

    You're not going to go chasing after these two beauties, Quentin.
    Ava and Dominique might be lovely on the outside, but they're not lovely on the inside.


    AM Topic: Dream Job
    Nomad Jobs
    Want to see the world while earning some cash ? These career paths will take you around the globe.
    Public health administrators will mostly work in hospitals or for government health organizations and authorities. Internationally, especially in developing countries still getting up to speed on health issues and consequences, this field is taking off. Groups like the UN and the World Health Organization are in need of trained, educated professionals to play critical roles in addressing the health needs and infrastructure of emerging nations.

    Essential functions of this nomad job will often include the fundamentals, such as financial management, purchasing and human resources. Specific tasks include outlining surveillance strategies to aid in combating the spread of communicable diseases, emergency response protocols for outbreaks, and proposals for cost-effective education and prevention. Many of these jobs can be found through the UN, the World Health Organization and international governments and municipalities. Additionally, many masters’ programs at U.S. universities offer international internships within a multitude of countries.

    ESL teacher

    A position as an educator seems to offer universal employment -- and if you’re strong in a second language, landing an ESL position somewhere on this vast planet may be of interest. The pay for such positions is typically not great and is commensurate with the nation you are placed in, but the worldwide exposure is often what ESL teachers seek.

    Obtaining certification is relatively simple and can be done online via a four-year university or an independent training provider. The actual job placement can be a little tricky, as it often involves working with missionaries or other non-profit types. In this case, you may have to pay to be a part of the program, but the group handles everything from accommodation arrangements, to food, to security -- but financially, you are on your own. The benefit, of course, is being able to see other parts of the world and having an experienced group make sure you have all of your i’s dotted and t’s crossed when it comes to immigration paperwork, safety regulations and security.

    Of course, more regular, full-time paying jobs exist in places such as international schools and programs that are offered to employees and families of U.S. companies that are operating outside of the country.

    globetrotting professions

    The above are just a handful of the professional-grade careers that exist throughout the world and allow you to earn top-grade pay and provide genuine career advancement opportunities. So, before you become the traveling salesperson for your organization in an effort to see more of the world, understand that there are alternatives.


    Jobs You Can't Apply For
    Jobs You Can't Apply For
    By Dimitri A.C. Ly

    Career Advisor

    Too many high school and university graduates think they can get the job of their dreams just by earning the right diploma. Even seasoned professionals seem to be under this mistaken impression as they make drastic career changes without taking into account the experience required to pursue certain positions.
    Here are four jobs you can’t apply for unless you’ve already been with the company for some time.


    Don’t be fooled by all the bartending schools out there; most barmen start out as busboys, wiping tables and clearing dirty dishes.


    As personal blogs and websites grow increasingly popular, more and more writers seem to be under the impression that they can become columnists for a major publication just by sending out a few sample articles along with their resume. In fact, publishers typically hire their columnists internally, selecting the most consistent and popular journalists in their roster, so you need years of experience with the actual periodical.

    Contrary to popular belief, the reason “columnist” is one of the jobs you can’t apply for has nothing to do with literary or journalistic elitism. Like most things in the corporate world, it’s about making money. Newspaper and magazine publishers are in the business of selling copies, so they need to know that their columnists can attract a loyal fan base within the periodical’s established readership.

    We know, it sucks because they're cool positions ...

    Television producer

    The television industry is full of jobs you can’t apply for.


    When it comes to craft and trade occupations, employers typically value experience over academic training, so don’t expect any authority until you’ve paid your dues with the company. In the logging sector, for example, foremen are expected to have worked at least a decade in the field, which is why the position is on our list of jobs you can’t apply for fresh out of school.

    Career - Creating your own future

    Career overview:
    Why I am in the fitness business

    Aspects that appeal to me: ...
    Mental benefits I receive from working in fitness industry: ...
    How I describe my work to others: ... (group fitness instructor)
    What I really do: ... (Inspire dozens of peoples a week to work toward better health)

    Types of clients I currently work well with: ...
    I could work better with these clients if: ...
    Jobs I could have working with these clients: ...


    Start A Habit
    4 Steps: Start A Habit
    By Ross Bonander

    Stress Management Specialist

    When you try to start a habit, you can only implement it successfully by first manufacturing a series of smaller elements.


    step 1 Be realistic


    step 2 Make it easy


    step 3 Do it at a regular time


    step 4 Acknowledge your first landmark


    Artistic temperament

    Although increasing numbers of childhood mental health problems are being attributed to genetic defects,[50] reactive attachment disorder is by definition based on a problematic history of care and social relationships. Abuse can occur alongside the required factors, but on its own does not explain attachment disorder.[51] It has been suggested that types of temperament, or constitutional response to the environment, may make some individuals susceptible to the stress of unpredictable or hostile relationships with caregivers in the early years.[52] In the absence of available and responsive caregivers it appears that some children are particularly vulnerable to developing attachment disorders.[53]

    There is as yet no explanation for why similar abnormal parenting may produce the two distinct forms of the disorder, inhibited and disinhibited. The issue of temperament and its influence on the development of attachment disorders has yet to be resolved. RAD has never been reported in the absence of serious environmental adversity yet outcomes for children raised in the same environment vary widely.[54]

    In discussing the neurobiological basis for attachment and trauma symptoms in a seven-year twin study, it has been suggested that the roots of various forms of psychopathology, including RAD and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), can be found in disturbances in affect regulation. The subsequent development of higher-order self-regulation is jeopardized and the formation of internal models is affected. Consequently the "templates" in the mind that drive organized behavior in relationships may be impacted. The potential for “re-regulation” (modulation of emotional responses to within the normal range) in the presence of “corrective” experiences (normative caregiving) seems possible. Like many other papers in this poorly-researched area many new avenues of enquiry are raised.[55]

    (Redirected from Rage-reduction)

    Attachment therapy is the most commonly used term for a controversial category of alternative child mental health interventions intended to treat attachment disorders. The term generally includes accompanying parenting techniques. Attachment therapy is a treatment used primarily with fostered or adopted children who have behavioral difficulties, including disobedience and lack of gratitude or affection for their caregivers. The children's problems are ascribed to an inability to attach to their new parents because of suppressed rage due to past maltreatment and abandonment.


    Attachment parenting, a phrase coined by pediatrician William Sears,[1] is a parenting philosophy based on the principles of the attachment theory in developmental psychology. According to attachment theory, a strong emotional bond with parents during childhood, also known as a secure attachment, is a precursor of secure, empathic relationships in adulthood. Failure to form this early childhood parental bond will ostensibly give rise to reactive attachment disorder, the symptoms of which are defined differently by Attachment Parenting International[2] and the DSM-IV definition.[citation needed]

    Artistic temperament

    Those who are highly artistic sometimes show dramatic swings in emotion. While not solely possessed by artists, it is highly prevalent among artists of all media, including painters, sculptors, musicians, writers, etc. This behavior is often characterized by being highly passionate about subjects of importance to the possessor of this behavior, extremely dedicated to certain goals, often hyper-aware of the presence of others, and at other times seemingly oblivious to the presence of others. It is also accompanied by the full range of all the emotions, often elevated to extremes. There is a theory[citation needed] that this due to the high instance of bipolar disorder in the artistic community, however this is a subject of debate. In addition, there is controversy as to the artistic temperament being so prevalent due to prototypical behaviors being elicited in response to what is perceived to be a part of an artistic identity or culture ...

    Modern psychology deals only with the inner world, that is, the world of consciousness and its conditions. The nature of the mind and its relations to the organism are questions that belong to philosophy or metaphysics. As a consequence, also, modern psychology fails to distinguish between the spiritual faculties of the soul, i.e. those which the soul exercises itself without the intrinsic co-operation of the organism, and the faculties of the compositum, i.e. the soul and organism united in one complete principle of action, or of one special animated organ.

    Standing apart from Materialistic and trend-driven notions, Faculty Psychology posits human behavior being related to the mental or spiritual faculties: Reason, Will, the moral sense, gumption, love, and, imagination and creativity.

    Studies show only as much as 75% of human behavior is caused by stimulus-response mechanisms. The other 25% (or more) can be thought of as coming from the "ghost in the machine," the spirit or soul. Creativity, then, can be seen as an expression of the soul and individual motivation.


    [edit] Rudolf Steiner and the four temperaments

    See also: Four humours

    In his lectures on education, Rudolf Steiner brought a new approach to the four classical temperaments: melancholic, phlegmatic, sanguine and choleric. He emphasized their importance in elementary education, as this is a time when the child is strongly affected by his or her nature in this respect. A person's temperament may change, especially in the pre-puberty years, and in any case diminishes in importance as the personality becomes more developed after puberty.

    In any case, the temperament is not exclusive; most people combine aspects of all of them. One or two may dominate, however, or be prominent by their absence. In addition, for each temperament Steiner pointed out that there are less and more mature forms: the sullen, self-absorbed melancholic can mature to the sympathetic helper and/or the deep thinker. A person may transform his or her own temperament, as well, either by becoming more mature in what is naturally given or by metamorphosing into a different temperament.

    [edit] See also


    Category: Personality

    duminică, 11 ianuarie 2009


    Magic may refer to:

    [edit] See also

    In the ancient post-hellenistic world of the Greeks and Romans (the Greco-Roman world), the public and private rituals associated with religion are accepted by historians and archaeologists to have been a part of everyday life.
    Magic is generally seen as "any attempt to control the environment or the self by means that are either untested or untestable, such as charms or spells."[2]

    Theurgy (from Greek θεουργία) describes the practice of rituals, sometimes seen as magical in nature, performed with the intention of invoking the action of one or more gods, especially with the goal of uniting with the divine, achieving henosis, and perfecting oneself.

    See also Invocation.

    ... a practice which includes the invocation of angels or ...

    [edit] Self-identification with certain spirits

    Invocation can refer to taking on the qualities of the being invoked, such as the allure of Aphrodite or the ferocity of Kali. In this instance the being is literally called up from within oneself (as an archetype) or into oneself (as an external force), depending on the personal belief system of the invoker. The main difference between this type of invocation and the possessive category described above is that the former may appear more controlled, with self-identification and deity-identification mixed together.

    Even common actions like hand-shaking and saying hello are rituals.

    Ritual serves diverse purposes including, but not limited to:

    • Worship
    • Ritual purification with the aim of removing uncleanliness, which may be real or symbolic.
    • Atonement
    • Dedication
    • Education


    from organized religion to non-institutionalized spirituality, such as ayahuasca shamanism as practiced by the Urarina of the upper Amazon. Rituals often have a close connection with reverence, thus a ritual in many cases expresses reverence for a deity or idealized state of humanity.

    Alongside the personal dimensions of worship and reverence, rituals can have a more basic social function in expressing, fixing and reinforcing the shared values and beliefs of a society. This function can be exploited for political ends, though it lies at the heart of most sociological understandings of religious ritual.

    Rituals can aid in creating a firm sense of group identity. Humans have used rituals to create social bonds and even to nourish interpersonal relationships.


    [edit] Psychology

    In psychology, the term ritual refers to a repetitive, systematic behavioral process enacted in order to neutralize or prevent anxiety and is a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).


    == See Also ==


    Categories: Cultural conventions Ritual Anthropology of religion
    In Shinto, the main form of ritual purification is Misogi, which involves natural running water, and especially waterfalls. Rather than being entirely naked, men usually wear Japanese loincloths, and women wear kimonos, both additionally wearing headbands.
    There are several different groups practicing Misogi in Japan, perhaps one of the most well known is the Sen Shin tei Misogi Well at the Ki Society Headquarters in Japan, where people perform misogi with cold water before sunrise.
    They then begin 降り魂 furitama or "spirit shaking" by clenching their hands in front of the stomach and shaking them up and down, vibrating the upper torso. The purpose of this is to become aware of / unified with the spirit's presence within. Following this is a "warm-up" or calisthenics called 鳥船 tori-fune or "bird (boat) rowing". These two aforementioned practices are sometimes accompanied by special prayer words or incantations. After, the "leader" begins to speak out invocations/prayers that are said to activate the spirit. The "followers" generally speak along with them, thus affirming the potential for realizing one's own spirit, and thus unifying them with the Kami around them.
    Misogi is also used in some forms of martial arts, especially Aikido to prepare the mind for training and to learn how to develop your "hara", or centre. The founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba regularly used this form of meditation to complement his training and search for perfection.
    Laughter (1)
    Tendon reflex (or T-reflex) is a feedback mechanism that controls increasing muscle tension by causing muscle relaxation before tension force becomes so great it may damage the muscle.
    ... is a spinal reflex intended to protect the body from damaging stimuli.
    Biofeedback treatment protocols for anxiety, ADHD, hypertension, TMD, urinary incontinence in males, and migraine, cluster[citation needed], and tension headaches have all received level 4 efficacy ratings[5].
    EMG is used as a relaxation technique to ease tension in the muscles causing backaches, neck pain, TMD, incontinence, and tension, migraine, and cluster headaches. EMG is also used in the process of muscle rehabilitation, such as in cases of paralysis resulting from Cerebral Palsy, stroke, and incomplete spinal cord lesions.