miercuri, 17 decembrie 2008

"creative destruction"

I knew that the macroeconomists use financial instruments to regulate the market.

Entrep. mind writes about "creative destruction".
Financing Outlook for 2009
By Jeff Cornwall on December 17, 2008
"As Rick Newman points out at US News:
But recessions are times of "creative destruction," and while the destruction tends to dominate the headlines, new opportunities often sprout as companies seek new ways to grow and those resistant to change drift into obsolescence. Plus, recessions end. And when this one does, we'll all be ready for a party--on a careful budget."

My questions are: Why ? or What are the real goals ? and Who are the targets ?

How about making the "creative destruction", one of the metaphores for aikido.
Nage destroyes, Uke's actions !
What are the nage's intentions ? ... punishment, self-defence or interpersonal relationship (turning an aggresor in a friend, curing uke's anger, keeping own emotional balance) ?

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