sâmbătă, 3 ianuarie 2009



[edit] The Five Elements

Vivation consists of five elements, or foundational skills necessary to achieve physical integration of suppressed negative emotions. These elements are: Circular Breathing, Complete Relaxation, Awareness in Detail, Integration Into Ecstasy, and Do Whatever You Do, Willingness is Enough. Each of these skills has its own requisite knowledge base, however all of them are brought to together in a Vivation session to facilitate efficient integration of negative emotions in the most pleasurable and enjoyable way possible.

  • The First Element of Vivation is circular breathing. which consists of three components. The first is that inhales and exhales are connected together, with no pauses in between. The second is the exhale is completely relaxed. By relaxed, this means the exhale comes out all on its own and not forced or controlled in any way. This differs from many other forms of pranayama which have a forced exhale component. Also, because the exhale is completely relaxed, there is no hyperventilation in Vivation. If hyperventilation does occur, it is because the exhale is being forced or inhibited in some way. Hyperventilation ceases the moment the exhale is relaxed again. In Vivation, breathing rhythms occur along a continuum of three quadrants: Slow and Full, Fast and Full, and Fast and Shallow. Slow and shallow breathing takes you out of your body, and so is not used in Vivation. For those who are familiar with Kriya Yoga, Sudarshan Kriya (SKY) also uses three different rates of breathing: slow (8–14 cpm), medium (30 cpm), and rapid (150–180 cpm), however in Vivation these breathing rhythms are adjusted in real-time to resonate with the feelings in the body in the most enjoyable way possible. In this way, it is the experience of the feelings in the body that instructs and leads each session.
  • The Second Element of Vivation is relaxing the mind and body as much as possible. One doesn't do Vivation, so much as relaxes into the experience for what it already there. In Vivation, feelings integrate when one relaxes into accepting those feeling for what they already are. In Vivation, integration is a relaxation of effort.
  • The Third Element of Vivation is awareness in detail of the strongest feeling in the body. Feelings are not analyzed or sought after, only experienced for what they are in that moment. Since each moment is unique, this is the only element that practitioners must remain conscious of, as all other elements become automatic and natural supports of Third Element awareness.
  • The Fourth Element of Vivation is integration into ecstasy. The basic idea is being open and receptive to whatever positive feelings are already present. According to Vivation practitioners, feelings are only experienced negatively because of mental judgments made about them. By relaxing the mind and body in the presence of the feeling, the positive aspects of the feeling become more obvious and easier to accept. According to the fourth element, one doesn't intentionally integrate a feeling, one enjoys the feeling as much as possible until it integrates.
  • The Fifth Element is doing whatever you do, willingness is enough. In Vivation, willingness refers to the willingness to feel a feeling as honestly and positively as possible. There is no prerequisite for having a positive experience, only a willingness to be open to the possibility of experiencing the feeling in a positive way. In Vivation, integration is a function of willingness, and therefore is the most important of the five elements.


Categories: Meditation Mind-body interventions

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