duminică, 28 decembrie 2008

Intuitive Soul ...

IntuitiveThis is the ability to “know”. It’s often described as a “gut feeling”.
Intuitive Soul: Expanding and deepening Conciousness through individual awakening and growth.



First of all, lets demystify this thing called intuition; everyone has intuition. We all have used our intuition as children, and probably continue to use it everyday. We may not identify it as such, but it is there none the less. It isn�t just one sense. It isn�t the sixth sense. It is all of our senses combined. However, we do tend to use one sense more than the others, but the best is to learn to use all of your senses when developing your intuition. And it isn�t that we need to develop our intuition, as it is to recognize when we use our intuition and then trust that the information is correct.

The problem is our intuition is always correct, but our interpretation of our intuition is what we need to work on developing. And we need to take a more conscious role in using our intuitive process. We will then begin to develop the habit of using our intuition and our perception. We can take control of our intuition once we understand it and how it works.

Step 1
Do a quick 'body check' to get centered. Go through your body quickly and establish what is happening with you right now. Notice how you perceive with your 5 senses- touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing- as well as any thoughts, memories and feelings you are aware of.

Step 2
Focus on a question: Focus on a question that you want answered, and form it with clarity. Know what you want to know. If you aren't clear, your intuition won't be clear.

Step 3

Note your first impressions: Everything should be noted, even things that you think might be distractions, because when dealing with your intuition there are no distractions, everything in your field of perception is important. When you clearly ask a question then your intuition uses your senses to answer your query. Therefore there are no distractions, and no matter what it is, a cold finger, a shooting pain in your foot, a car beeping it's horn, the clock ticking, a neighbor shouting obscenities. It becomes important to bring everything into your perceptual field, and in as much detail as possible. The more you practice noting your first impressions, the better you will become intuitively.

Step 4
Interpreting your impressions: This is where we make our mistakes when it comes to our intuition. Unfortunately, we don't usually begin with a guide that chats in our ear, or read the tarot without years of experience. However, the best Intuitive uses the tarot as a tool to express their intuition. (Not to learn the hundreds of different meanings each card has, but rather to pick up on their own intuition and what they feel, see, hear or know the cards are telling them.) So, if your foot hurts, what does your foot symbolize? Is it taking the next step? Is it representing a memory of something that happened to you at an earlier age with your foot? So, when writing down our interpretations of our impressions, we need to understand our symbols and what they mean to us, how we feel about them, what they remind us of, and any thoughts that come to us.

Unfortunately, once we develop this skill, we aren't as effective at intuitively answering our own questions. We begin to expect things and put our own wants and desires in answering our questions. Therefore, you will need to learn how to trick your mind, so that it doesn't know what the question is. Blind tests work well, this requires writing down your questions and either have someone else answer them with out knowing what your questions are, or yourself picking out a question from several different folded questions, so you are unaware of which question you are answering.
The process is quite simple: Laura Day uses the best examples I know to begin the intuition process, in her books, Practical Intuition (a series of books) and The Circle (highly recommended)

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 27 February 2008 )


Laurie Huston
The role of Intuitive Soul and my role as a counselor is for you to become more aware andconscious of the choices, actions and decisions you make each day. This enables you to have a conscious intent to create an expression of your Highest Vision. I use my empathic, intuitive counseling skills to guide you towards your Highest Vision and to empower you to create conscious expressions of Love, Joy and Compassion. As an Empath, I connect with your feelings, thoughts, fears, beliefs and your souls wish, where I can facilitate you to become more aware of your choices so they can come from a place of love instead of fear. This gives you the courage to let go of the Pain, Struggle and Fears that are prohibiting your from expressing your best possible reality. But we all have infinite choices, and as an empowered Being, you will always make the best choice for you, right now.

Background: I am Professional & Intuitive Counselor, with a Bachelor degree of Social Work, an Initiated Metaphysical Teacher, Initiated Ritual Master and Initiated Celtic Shaman, a Neuro-Linguistic Programmer (NLP Practitioner), a Licensed Holistic Practitioner, a Jin Shin Acupressure Therapist, Creation Energy Therapist, and Tantric Yoga Consultant.

Courses and Individual Therapies: Courses and Individual Therapies: Facilitate and develop various workshops including: Creating Consciousness about Love (New Class), Channelling, How to Read Tarot Cards, Intuition classes, The Gifts of the Spirit, Astral Travel, Alchemy, Stress Management, Manifestation Classes, Meditation classes, and Chakra balancing with self help Acupressure. And provide individual Holistic Therapies through DNA Activations - 22 strands, Etheric Surgery, Emotional Cord Cutting, Aura & Chakra Balancing, Protection Rituals for your home, Magic Circles, Rising Star Healing, Channelling and Professional & Intuitive Counseling (plus many more).

Challenges: I began my life abandoned, moving from two different homes at birth, at 13 I lost my father & I have been confronted in this lifetime with self-worth issues, abandonment, and the challenge of change & spiritual growth over security and safety. I have often felt burdened with my spiritual knowledge because sometimes ignorance is bliss, however, I have discovered it is impossible to go backwards.

Intuitive Empath: I know we are all intuitive, however, it is a bit of a challenge sometimes to uncover how we intuit our information. I am and always have been an Empath. What this means is that I�m not the typical Clairvoyant, who sees things, or Clairaudient who hears things or people, but I am Clairsentient, which means I feel things. For me, when I get a picture of a situation, it is symbolic of how I feel. What this means is that I had to learn what the symbols of the pictures were first. Now, everything happens so quickly that I�m not even aware of how it happens and in what order. However, the problem with being an Empath is that we all learn at an early age to use filters, especially with our emotions. And since feeling is my primary mode of intuiting, once I tried to build it, I had to relearn how I filtered my emotions. And know that it was okay to connect with how people feel, as this was so intrusive when I was younger, many people had problems with me knowing how they felt. I still find it intrusive, and respect people�s boundaries, which means I won't connect in with people unless they ask or provide an exchange. Being an Empath is intrusive and none of my business. It is also, in my belief, how the Indigo�s all interact with one another and will be the primary mode of communication. This is a very powerful mode of communication as it means that all the masks we have created and the lies we tend to live, will no longer be acceptable and will be seen or felt through. So� soon we will either have to learn how to block our feelings or know that our youth will all know what we are really feeling.

Relationship Advice: I realized quite early that a gift I had was around relationships, as it was the one area of my life that I have had most experience and a huge focus in my life. I have been loved more than most people and love is an area where I never seem to have difficulties in. I was in a very committed relationship for 16 years, where although we weren't officially married, there was no doubt of our commitment in our relationship. Unfortunately, I had grown so much spiritually, that the partner I sought to compliment my Spiritual growth, could not be filled in my relationship. However, he will always be considered one of my great loves, and I continue to love him, and always will. I have since been in a couple of relationships, and I have become stronger and clearer about the type of man I want to compliment my life as a life partner. Mostly it has to do with clearly knowing what you want in a partner, and not compromising your needs and wants. However, it does mean learning how to create a partnership that will meet both of our needs and wants and a more equal, complimentary relationship. Awakening:My awakening came when I was 29 turning 30, I was a Supervisor in the Government, miserable and unchallenged in my work. I had a manager who had obviously agreed to fulfill a contract with me because we both had obstacles in how we related to one another and created challenges in our work environment. Needless to say, eventually I left where she has remained, in a job that doesn't promote spiritual growth or creative expression. (She must have offered to fulfill many contracts for many souls.) It was through experiment that I discovered "spirituality", discovering that the traditional medical system, when dealing with stress, wasn't helping, but rather hindering movement forward. I felt stuck, and it was because I wasn't addressing the beliefs, behaviors & fears that maintained the unconscious creation of my reality. I tried many different therapies, meditation, NLP, Spiritual Guru's and some helped, but eventually I had to learn that it was awareness of my fears & reactions that allowed me to identify and then move beyond my narrow state of awareness, and embrace learning how to use the power of intent to consciously create my reality.

Spiritual Beliefs: I choose to express the highest consciousness available to me at all times. I commit to the goal of unconditional love and compassion for all life, in all its expression and surrender all judgment to God. I am a servant of God, a vehicle of Divine Love, and a channel of God's will.

I believe that we create our experiences, either consciously or unconsciously through our thoughts, beliefs, fears & behaviors. If you are in a situation that is less than ideal, it is because you are unconsciously choosing to express fear, pain and/or struggle. When you become more aware of the expressions you are choosing, and use the power of love, joy or compassion, with the power of intent, you will become aware of your outdated belief system, the fears that maintain your current situation and your reactions to situations that recreate your old realities. Once you become aware of your reactions, you can choose different actions, decisions and choices to move you through your unconscious reactions to create a new experience. Desires are a way that your soul radiates to you, what you are to become or achieve in this life. And once you begin to follow your bliss, your life starts on a course of spiritual awakening and development. You are beginning to consciously choose your reality.

Your Imagination is the only limit for a life with infinite possibilities. Sometimes, all it takes is someone to believe in your highest vision, for the vision to manifest in your reality. Let me hold your vision for you.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 28 February 2008 )

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