miercuri, 7 ianuarie 2009

Self Agape

ia post de pe wild pelicans about Steiner (aceeasi ca azi)
spiritual test + emotion
  1. Spiritual Tests

    - [ Tradu această pagină ]
    The same is true, my beloved readers, with every feeling and emotion you create. This is a Spiritual test. Your feelings and emotions are caused by your ...
    www.spiritual.com.au/articles/ascension/spiritualtests_jdstone.htm - 67k -
Enlightenment Part 2 Freedom From Desire
Being Spiritual
Emotions 1 - Understand & Identify Emotions
Feel the Lethargy and Do It Anyway
A Highly Functioning Immune System
Growing beyond Victim

7 Steps to Self Agape

Find out more about self agape

Remember that the goal of this teaching is to facilitate the lessons of unconditional love and acceptance. There is no possibility of accomplishing this toward others if you have not first learned how to unconditionally accept yourself.

Here are seven steps to lead you in that direction.

1. Trust in your perceptivity.

2. Ruthless truthfulness with yourself.

3. Acknowledging that the world and those in it are perfect and making a commitment to be tolerant.

4. Allow yourself your own power and constant choice to be appropriate with it.

5. Erasing fear and the chief negative feature to live in gentleness and joy.

6. Truly experiencing surrender and therefore power and control, which leads to the true integration of personality and essence. This allows you to fully experience the physical plane as well as the truth, love, and beauty of the other planes.

7. Humility


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