luni, 12 ianuarie 2009

She's Losing Interest

nice guy syndrome

First, let me tell you my situation. I've been dating Sasha for about three months now. I was unbelievably attracted to her from the start (she's 26 and a real hottie), and though I tried my best to stay a Challenge, I couldn't help myself from slipping into the worshipful "Nice Guy" syndrome, after which, predictably, she began to lose some interest in me.

get other women's attention

If Sasha's Interest Level is 51% (like you say it is), the attention of other women will have a positive impact for the time being. But if her interest is just flickering at around 40% to 49%, these little back-and-forth skirmishes won't amount to much of anything. When you're in that south-of-the-50-yard-line range, she's just wasting your time and playing with your head.
And then add Challenge to it. But it's probably too late.


get your dating act together

Sure, maybe you'll meet someone new when you're flirting. And maybe there'll be an earthquake and a brick will fall and hit you in the head, too. The problem is that unless you toughen up and get the monkey off your back, when Miss Beautiful No. 2 comes along, you're going to play the same old record. You're going to make the same tired mistakes, and No. 2 is going to get rid of you, too. Except that when she does, you'll be four years older, you'll have a network of little wrinkles around your eyes, and you won't be as cute.

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